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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Awe, this guy appreciates you Bonnie!
  2. lmao - they're losing control of their native and they are FREAKN OUT. LOL
  3. I already killed @Pokebball broken record on this bill last Wednesday and he knows it. The bill claims to strengthen our borders yet cuts border patrol funding by $4 billion; detains children indefinitely and does jack about immigration. Sit down, Trumpy. What did End Wokeness say about MLK? You racists just don't stop.
  4. Yet, look at the threads by the cult attacking LGTBQ - a community that comprises ~1 percent of the population of this country. Reminder: no one is attacking Christianity - but this country is and will never be theocracy or a Christian nation. You best come to terms with that sooner than later.
  5. No, see - that's the Trump position - since we don't have to do anything more about this until January 2025 - which even then - won't happen - cuz it didn't happen on Trump's first watch. Thanks for proving my point. You're not going to stop someone who is determined to enter this country illegally. Good luck
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