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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. lmao - you try so hard. Putin should focus on the Nazis in his own country and the GQP. Endless work to do there.
  2. Paradigm Global Advisors Seneca Global Advisors Rosemont Seneca Partners Eudora Global BHR Partners
  3. Settle down, you are really panicked at the moment.
  4. Guess what? There are NAZIS everywhere.
  5. What's the difference? Jared worked for his Daddy's real-estate company, then jumped to the WH, and then scores $2 BILLION DOLLARS from MBS in 2021 when he created Affinity Partners? What private equity experience does Jared have? Keep crying, Karen. Putin ADORES you.
  6. You seem really panicked, NJ. Take a break.
  7. Coping with the truth is challenging. You'll be ok, Trumpy.
  8. Do you understand how desperate you sound when Trump's Drug House was openly dispensing fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone like candy? Sit the f down, Trumpy.
  9. Trump's polling is amazing. But the GQP hasn't won anything since 2016. Keep up the great work, Trumpy!
  10. The cult is in full panic mode at the moment... They are desperately trying anything that might work but are failing miserably. ETTD and it shows.
  11. Ohhhhh... Tommy disagrees, @daz28 - any idea why?
  12. It’s truly astonishing that these idiots ATOP staring DR won’t blame the Nazi who is bombing the fk out of Ukraine. https://www.billsfans.com/forums/topic/1831-russia-russia-russia/?do=findComment&comment=313622
  13. All they have is air time. That gets them excited. Can you imagine being let down by every psyop time and again yet still have faith in these people?
  14. 👆Laughable. Meanwhile.👇 They got nothing. lmao
  15. MAGA must be PANICKED since they do not want Hunter's testimony public. Then again, what would Karen Psyop do if it were?
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