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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. So Biden can have Trump murdered?
  2. An opinion piece by victoryGIRLblog who bases her POV off a Breitbart article. What a fun circle jerk!
  3. Bonnie - isn’t that why you and the rest of Putins’ ball washers are here and not at DR’s safe place?
  4. Adults? Bonnie - most adults don’t plagiarize like you do every day here. Childish? I didn’t start the thread full of projection claiming Dems are panicked when this is your candidate and this POS hasn’t won’t anything since 2016. Panicked? Yes, you are.
  5. Yeah - sure. Thats what MAGA told us in 2020.
  6. No - you don’t need loyalists - you’ll have ultimate immunity. That’s what this is all about. I don’t think the cult realizes, that if the SC rules in Trump’s favor - the incentive for Dems to vote - which is already high - will be off the charts. Outside of MAGA - we do not anoint Kings. Democracy is on the ballot.
  7. Oh good - SC will take the case. If they rule in Trump’s favor - they are also ruling in Biden’s favor, too!
  8. Bonnie, wake up - it’s time for your meds
  9. Meanwhile, Trumps only gift to the US was a tax cut that massively benefited the 1%.
  10. Cult seems panicked... lmao
  11. 👆Has anyone noticed how delusional these people are?👇 These same people defend this: At what point do you start to gain some dignity and self-respect?
  12. Once again, if there was any fire here; the Trump DOJ would have uncovered all of this and prosecuted Hunter Biden. The simple fact that Trump HAD to ask Zelenskiy... “I would like you to do us a favor, though” ...is all you need to know. They have nothing and EVERYONE knows it. Hence, the "full on PANIC" and the existence of this thread = long live the psyop. lmao
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