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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. I guess democrats should publicize each crime committed by the millions of migrants who entered the country during the Trump administration. They could spread these incidents across TV and social media, claiming that Trump has "blood on his hands". Sad game we can all play. Let's GO.
  2. Gosh, if only Trump did his job.
  3. It's peculiar that the individual spreading Russian propaganda, who also strangely uses a picture of Brad Pitt's chest, doesn't have to provide sources for his claims.
  4. Nothing like calling out Lara's inexperience... lmao.
  5. 🎯 Biden killed it last night and the cult embarrassed themselves as usual. 🇺🇸
  6. Oh yea, really? We are still waiting on all that proof All Pro Psyop! Meanwhile: Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office Trump Raked in Millions From China During Presidency China spent millions at Trump properties while he was president Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected Ivanka Trump's brands win 16 more Chinese trademarks
  7. It seems we have a recurring issue, eh? Think we can get the racists at End Wokeness to do the same analysis during Trump's tenure? Ouch: Hey @BillsFanNC - a pattern maybe?
  8. Trump agrees:
  9. BOOM! lmao
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