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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. He sure did.
  2. Hey Karen, it's over.
  3. GQP logic: A 10-year-old MUST have a baby, but a teenager reaching out on their own for help is considered OUTRAGEOUS. Also, GQP: Tennessee Republicans Want to Ban Same-Sex Marriage But Allow Child Marriage Louisiana GOP doesn't want to stop child marriages because teenagers can be 'very mature' Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban South Dakota House Republicans show support for child marriage by killing bipartisan bill in GOP-dominated panel MO state senator suggests 12-year-olds should get married Wyoming Republicans under fire for objecting to ban on marriage for kids under age 16 GOP Lawmaker Defends Supporting 12-Year-Olds’ Right To Legally Marry You can't square this Chris...
  4. I did. Post it here. Embarrass yourself. Do it.
  5. That's the problem - they can't get past the first part to build a case. It's embarrassing.
  6. The squatting laws need to be reformed. It's not fair.
  7. Idiots never think.
  8. No? You can't do it? Are you experiencing the same problem as the GQP in Congress? What specific crime did Biden commit that could result in a RICO charge?
  9. No? You can't do it? Are you experiencing the same problem as the GQP in Congress? What specific crime did Biden commit that could result in a RICO charge?
  10. When someone says: You gotta see this guy... What exactly does that mean? How is that NOT poking FUN at someone? “Now the poor guy, you gotta see this guy," he continued, before launching into an apparent impression of Mr Kovaleskia, waving his arms around with his hands at an odd angle. "Uhh I don't know what I said. Uhh I don't remember. He's going like 'I don't remember. Maybe that's what I said." Fkn sick
  11. I guess he's a "COMMIE" because he hasn't signed the bill yet... that's how it works, right?
  12. Right. Why hasn't Biden been impeached yet? If there was substantial evidence, they would not have conducted yesterday's spectacle, which completely backfired.
  13. Bullshitt - Biden had noting to do with this:
  14. Did DeSaster sign said bill?
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