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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. The most corrupt administration in our lifetime.
  2. Ever question why the 33 goes right through the neighborhood it does?
  3. John listed his property for sale, and someone purchased it at the asking price. No one compelled the market to accept the value he placed on the property. Does John have a track record of deliberately and regularly mispricing his assets across his real estate portfolio? If so, he should also face prosecution.
  4. This article underlines the significant discrepancy between a property's assessed value, appraised value, and its actual selling price. It's not the same. Trump faced fraud charges for intentionally and consistently misvaluing assets across 23 different properties and other assets. This was done to persuade banks to lend to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms. From 2011-2021, Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization knowingly and intentionally created more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets on his annual Statements of Financial Condition to defraud financial institutions.
  5. Where are the Libs of Hitler and Moms?
  6. The irony of Conald crying about a family member of a judge...
  7. Hahahahaha - this isn’t about Democrats all pro
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