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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. The bill must contain beneficial elements, as evidenced by the numerous Republicans who voted against it yet continue to claim credit for it. Meanwhile, Trump's infrastructure bill is what... two weeks away?
  2. What’s your point? You do realize these incidents are not even remotely the same… right?
  3. Purposely? Holy shittttt - Karen Psyop doing what she does best. I love MAGA tears.
  4. Insulting? Nope. I can give two fks about a proclamation. I’m just laughing at you pathetic simps.
  5. You reap what you sow...
  6. Are you serious? You're CYING about an EASTER EGG ROLL event? JFC Did you buy your Trump Bible yet? Easter weekend and your Orange Jesus is posting shitt like this? Take your faux tears and shove it.
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