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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. These graphs speak volumes to what an absolute disaster the federal government’s inconsistent approach has been to COVID.  It’s no surprise considering as cases skyrocket and hospitals are full in areas that did not enforce proper protocols. In addition having a leader who has said multiple times he wants to slow down testing and thinks the virus is going away is not doing anything to course correct.
    #flushtherurdsonnovember3rd  #wearamaskinpublic



  2. 2 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    That’s priceless.  Some poor young lady who just wants to talk about Cole Beasley, Stefon Diggs and separation in 2020 keeps getting blown up by someone she surely feels is a serial stalker. 

    Oh @Buffalogal knows exactly why I reference her. Like typical Trumpholes; she has yet to back up her claims.


    She can play dumb all she wants -  but she knows.

  3. Just now, snafu said:


    Youre such a partisan hack it’s unbelievable.

    You realize that the prior President and Vice President were looking to trip up the current President, yes?

    That’s got nothing to do with what Trump has done or not done.  That’s got nothing to do with being a Trump supporter. 

    It has everything to do with trusting that when someone wins the office, there’s a peaceful transfer of power. NOT hand grenades and time bombs. 


    And that former VP is the Democratic nominee. And you’ll vote for him, not because of Trump, but because “D” over country.



    look in the mirror bro 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, BillsFanNC said:


    They will never take the L.  Never. All the major actors in this right up to and including Obama himself could admit guilt and it still would matter not to these people.   Confirmation bias and motivated reasoning full steam ahead at all times towards #orangemanbad.

    And Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue or literally kill 123,669 Americans and you Trumpholes will still vote for the pig.



  5. 1 minute ago, njbuff said:


    Here we go with the leftist fvckin bullshyt.


    Christ, can't you guys just take the L and move and stop protecting these bozos at the very top of the Obama administration.


    Holy moly you people are so disingenuous and could care less about the rule of law, unless, of course, it brings #orangemanbad down.

    lmao - how did the LEFT lose anything? How the F is this game?

  6. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:








    Twice in 4 hours,


    the same fake "mocking" gif.




    1. 1.
      (of a person or organization) declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts.
      "his father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home"
    2. completely lacking in a particular quality or value.
      Bills Time is empty in every sense of the word.   :lol:

    @Deranged Rhino cant fight his own battles. Has to get his lap dog to defend him.



  7. Just now, Muppy said:

    okay I'll ask you directly and see if you have a response that makes sense in view of well over 100,000 deaths due to covid-19 in the USA. What business does a POTUS have making "jokes" regarding testing for the virus. Especially at a time when  the virus is upticking in many areas of the country? Hahahs funny Funny FUNNY **eyeroll** What is the point of muddying the waters and he saying something so "funny" if he really meant the exact opposite.  And you expect Americans to know the difference? Dies he mean what he says and say what he means...sometimes? Never? always? I will add that he is funny in as much as the non supporters see HIM as the joke, and its not a funny one.

    Do not bother - this guy will turn himself into a pretzel defending this SOB. You should have seen the lengths he went to justify this mature behavior:


    So, in a nutshell - the Dems will lose because they have no humor and this PIG will win because Trump can crack jokes; even during a global pandemic. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    I mean, that's a BS headline and story, but that gif is perfect for what you're trying to do. :lol: 


    Trump never said they were going to do less testing. Per Fauci's own testimony today. But sure, keep believing NBC. They've never been wrong or intentional deceitful :lol: 

    But Trump was joking, right?


    Thats why the Dems are gonna lose this fall? Dems have no sense of humor? 

    Isn’t that what you said?


    Can you make up your mind?


    And can this administration EVER get on the same page? 

    And you support this schiitttshow?






    • Like (+1) 1
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  9. 18 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Yet, if you watched the rally you'd understand what Trump does -- it was clearly a joke. Just like "Russia if you're listening!" Why would he waste a single moment of time answering a question that no rational person would ask the CiC? 


    The fact the left has no sense of humor doesn't change a joke into a "serious statement". 


    The fact the left has no sense of humor left is just another reason to add to the list of why they're going to be in for a big letdown come November. 

    Whoops - you got your talking points wrong bro:


    WHITE HOUSE ‘I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing


    • Haha (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, B-Man said:





    My shadow constantly criticizing the source of many of my articles (PJmedia, Redstate, InstaPundit, etc.) and his BIG post of the night is the exclusive inside scoop from Gabriel Sherman at Vanity Fair.


    It's too funny to parody.



    Here are a few of Mr. Sherman's latest INSIDE stories.



    “He’s Going to Broom Kushner and Parscale”: “Malignantly Crazy” About Bad Poll …


    “This Is So Unfair to Me”: Trump Whines About His COVID-19 Victimhood as Campain…


    “It’s Spiraling Out of Control”: Confronting a Failed Presidency, Trump Plays Politics…


    “Trump’s Feeling Is, ‘Why Are We Losing Everywhere?’”: With Advisers Feuding an…




    Exactly NONE of this 'journalists' insights have panned out.




    tenor.gif..........Ohhhhh, I'm gonna need a moment..........Thanks Billstime.




    Its astonishing how quickly @Deranged Rhinocan like your posts! We are talking seconds. 

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