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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 50 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    Good lord dude.  Do you know what doesn't get paid by non-profits?  TAXES.  You're not this dumb are you? 

    Oh Jim cmon man - I know non profits don’t pay taxes - but people choose to give to non profits - my tax dollars do NOT go to non profits. 

    My tax dollars DO go to Trumps buddies when work is awarded to them from the government.



  2. 58 minutes ago, GG said:


    I understand that you are not bright enough to understand statistics and how to properly adjust variables to account for population size and geographic spread, so this is for people who do understand such things.


    While USA leads the world in TOTAL numbers, it is not the leader when you make the adjustments to make them comparable to other countries.  The first place you look at are stats/capita, then next step is to look at the specific regions.  What you will see, is that total US numbers are in line with the 5 EU countries that got hit hard first.   


    BUT, if you split out the NYS tristate from the rest of the country, you will see that NYS/NJ/CT show horrific numbers, and the rest of the country did great.    


    So tell me again about the wonderful job Cuomo did compared to the other governors.  Show me a place that did worse than this graph!!!  NYC case rate is nearly 3 times worse than Lombardy.  There's no other place in the world that did a worse job than NY.  And you keep defending the garbage.  People died unnecessarily because of sheer incompetence, and you think it's cute to post random GIFs while ignoring who actually caused the problem. 





    As I was listening to that, I thought that instead of smoking out the kids, the parents should be brought in front of the magistrates

    Spin spin spin spin spin


    Trump is literally killing us.

  3. Just now, GG said:


    We've gone a full circle.  Please explain how Trump is responsible for NYS nursing home deaths (especially in nursing homes that had ZERO cases at the outbreak)

    The United States has the worst COVID stats around the globe. Most deaths and cases.

    You’re right - it’s Cuomo's fault.  ????

  4. 9 minutes ago, Unforgiven said:

    Biden Cancer Nonprofit Paid Its Top Execs Millions. It Spent Little to Eradicate Cancer


    His cronies made out tho.


    Where is your outrage you obtuse nitwit.

    Go find out how much of my tax dollars went to this non profit?


    And while you’re at it - tell me a little bit more about the Trump Foundation and his charities.


    Ill wait. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    You also sidestepped my question for an explanation of this.  


    Cmon Bill.  Quit the false outrage.  


    Is he a crony? 

    Trump promised the most beautiful inexpensive TrumpCare - ready to go day one - and all this admin accomplished was a fat tax cut for the rich.


    Now Trump is asking the Supreme Court to kill Obamacare altogether. 

    What will the millions on Obamacare do without insurance - during a pandemic?


    Regarding the guy who won the contract - you tell me - he “volunteered” at the White House.


    More on the company that won from article:


    “BlackPoint Distribution’s website does not mention Konkler but describes its work as “locating, verifying and successfully delivering vital products and equipment in the midst of extremely challenging environments.” The domain name was registered on April 9, 2020. In its incorporation documents, Konkler is listed as the CEO of BlackPoint Distribution. The only contact information on the site is a web form and an email address. Emails sent to it were returned as undeliverable, and Konkler did not return multiple phone calls and messages seeking comment.”

  6. 1 minute ago, GG said:


    It's the second example this week of the press focusing on a Trump connection for its fake outrage, instead of focusing on the larger issues of inside dealings inside DC.


    I'm glad that you recognize that Hillary was also corrupt, yet your solutions are to give even more power to the bureaucracy where these self-dealings can expand.   


    Do you ever consider the second step of whatever you think is the right thing to do?

    Do you ever realize how much you turn yourself into a pretzel every time you post?



  7. 11 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    A couple of questions and I'll even give you your answers. 


    1.  How many other companies were they bidding against? 

         a.  Answer:  2

    2.  Why did they win the contract?

         a.  Answer: I don't know and neither do you?

    3.  How have they done regarding the contract?

         a. Answer: I don't know and neither do you.

    4.  How many other companies got first time government contracts?

         a. Answer 445.  Seems like a lot. Why pick on this one (rhetorical question)

    5.  Ford never made ventilators before but they rushed in to help.  Why are you pointing a finger at this company for doing the same?

        a. Answer:  Simple. Orange Man Bad!! 


    So I'll ask you one question that I'd love to hear your answer on.   Based on the above.  Why the outrage? 




    This is the second example this week alone of Trump cronies making millions off of Americans’ misery.  Simply despicable!  We need trials when this is over.


    And Hillary was too corrupt. 

    12 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


    I love how people want to tie Trump to the policies of 50 state governors. 



    4 minutes ago, GG said:

    You still don't understand the concept of federalism, do you?

    Keep spinning bro - looks good on you 

  8. 7 minutes ago, GG said:


    Thousands of unnecessarily dead people and their families strongly disagree with the above

    I know - it’s a shame Trump is so incompetent and literally has no plan.


    Look at all those red state governors putting Trumps agenda before Americans.


    So sad.


    Just remember who said what when:


















  9. 48 minutes ago, meazza said:

    Crazy how ***** @Warren Zevon & @BillStime are.

    Want to know what is crazy?


    8,942 new cases in Florida and 13% positive rate, meaning that is an undercount.  


    Complete incompetence by Trump puppet 
    Governor Ron DeSantis.


    Pray for the people of Florida.


    Florida adds another 8,942 new COVID-19 cases, breaking single-day record again


    • June 18: 3,207
    • June 19: 3,822
    • June 20: 4,049
    • June 21: 3,494
    • June 22: 2,926 
    • June 23: 3,286
    • June 24: 5,508
    • June 25: 5,004
    • June 26: 8,942
  10. 26 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    And? That's all you got? Seems a little nit picky to me. I don't go by a person's word, I go by their actions. He was doing a great job before covid came around. He definitely had the economy rolling. I expect more of the same when reelected. 


    Me? Your savior went on TV last night and couldn't articulate his plan for his second term.


    Swing and a miss....


    made w/ Imgflip meme maker


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