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Posts posted by BillStime

  1. 15 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    Your obviously not reading through the new Russiagate thread! Your man Obama DID IGNORE these reports too beginning in about 2014!

    He also ignore IRANIAN Bounties on Americans in 2010, and then even gave them pallets of cash!


    So go ahead, keep this up on Trump. Maybe if you can dig enough dirt up eventually we can put them in a cell together! PAY PER VIEW!

    Great - let’s see your links please.


    And if so - in 2014 - which party had complete control of the House and Senate and why didn’t the impeach Obama for this alleged derelict is duty?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Cinga said:


    So... FOX News hasn't said a word about what I wrote as far as I know, but obviously you have no way to debate it either so fall back meme.


    You really are a waste of air aren't you? 

    Can you imagine if Obama ignored his intelligence on Russian Bountygate? I couldn’t even begin to imagine Fox News and all the rest of you Trumpholes.

    Fun watching your freaks turn yourselves into pretzels defending Putin.


    Happy 4th‼️??

  3. 30 minutes ago, Cinga said:

    Ya know, this entire thread is reminiscent of the early Obama years and Hillary's reset button and how they catered to Russia. Remember PBO telling Romney that:

    the 1970s want their Cold War back?


    Now here we are heading in to another election, and Obama and Biden both are defending the years of sending jobs to China.And I find it preposterous that people are defending that action here! ..

    I think we have a new message for them, and China....



  4. Just now, GG said:


    Are you equating his cheering low death counts with your dancing on the graves of high death counts?


    One is not like the other, sadist.

    Try as you might but there is no difference.


    Trump ignored Russian Bounty and COVID intelligence - Americans died - and you are defending him.


    Can’t say I’m surprised by the outrageous mental gymnastics, distortions, and manipulations you will put forth to justify the narcissistic psychopath’s indecency. 


  5. Just now, GG said:


    No, he's a sadist who laughs at deaths.

    Funny how you don’t mind @SoCal Deek posting daily COVID death stats on Trumps watch. 

    It’s really too bad you can’t acknowledge Trumps dereliction of duty.


    128,935 Americans died as of today because Trump refused to act last November and get Governors critical info to lead and make good decisions.


    8 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Change your name or account all you want but that doesn't make you any less of a dick. 

    Awe - still upset for being called out on posting fake memes. It’s ok bro - we all know the GOP can’t win without creating fake news.



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