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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Playing both sides of the coin. We all know who regrets this decision.
  2. The Senate has discussed and considered various bills and proposals regarding college tuition and loan reform. Over the years, several reforms related to student loans and college tuition have been enacted, such as changes to interest rates on federal student loans and income-driven repayment plans. Hurry, Irv - extend the generous tax cuts for the wealthy. Make them permanent, so we can shoulder the burden for them.
  3. That’s what all Republicans who are ashamed of their party say. You’re really trying to compare the Senate w the dysfunctional house? That’s cute.
  4. You are dreaming if you think none of this connected. Acosta got the job in the Trump administration for a reason. He was also considered for Jeff Sessions replacement for a reason. Trump had Barr kill Epstein for a reason. Not only did Trump fly around w Jeff - he hosted parties w Eps at Mar-a-Lago. Stop being so fkn naive Mr Independente!
  5. Do you think we'll ever see a time when our political parties compete to genuinely help solve problems for the average American? Your party controls the House. Why don't they legislate and address the issue of student loans? Instead, you complain about the one person trying to make a real difference. If Trump proposed this, you would enthusiastically support it, only to be ultimately disappointed that the plan was perpetually two weeks away.
  6. Right now, we are all paying for Trump’s tax cuts for the rich. Get over yourself.
  7. Yes indeed. Run the guy for the most important office in the world.
  8. @BillsFanNC wants you focused on trans people but not this: cc: @HomeskillitMoorman
  9. 👆🤡 There is a reason why Karen keeps crying over something so incredibly petty - because he doesn't want ANYONE focused on those doing real damage to kids:
  10. When all you do is lie - why would anyone believe you?
  11. Just awful... why do things for people who could actually benefit? Let's give another of tax cuts to the rich and add trillions to the debt. WHO CARES ABOUT THE LITTLE GUY...
  12. Yes indeed... and let's even give bigger tax cuts for the 1% - they are most in need.
  13. When you have nothing to hide you comply
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