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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Fkn hysterical
  2. OMG - NO!!!!! Oh no you didn’t… You didn’t just accuse me of having the big bad scary TDS, did you? lmao - go back to the safe place they created just for you - Ann, Hedge and Foxx will make you feel better precious.
  3. Elon’s porn bots at it again
  4. The Moms and Tiks of Hitler won’t touch this one - nor will Karen Psyop and Bonnie.
  5. COVID vaccinations for children are safe... but I defer to parents because it is NOT my call. You got that Tim? Focus on your own and your family's medical decisions.
  6. These sick degenerates are casually discussing inbreeding while supporting a PIG who wants to F his own daughter. Welcome to MAGA.
  7. Can you imagine you freaks if Hunter Biden got $2 BILLION DOLLARS from ANYONE?
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