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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Comer is an embarrassment.
  2. Another horrific miss from the TikToks
  3. Oh they were here.
  4. Crickets from the cult...
  5. lmao - that's so cute, Karen. 😅
  6. Every accusation is a confession. What achievements are you celebrating on behalf of MAGA? The House of Reps?
  7. Awe I’m sorry I couldn’t find it on Breitbart or Daily Caller.
  8. Thin skinned Conald whining about late night talk show hosts - lmao
  9. 👆 Karen doing what she does best: protecting pedophiles👇 Ali Alexander Accused of Soliciting Nudes From Teen Boys Ali Alexander Admits Inappropriate Messages Amid Accusations Ali Alexander Apologizes for 'Inappropriate Messages' Amid Allegations
  10. Now, why wouldn't the Hitler Toks not want to cover this?
  11. Trump’s Secretary of Defense
  12. Feels: Feels: More feels: A whole lot of feels.
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