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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. All he does is lie… And Trump is fortunate that his supporters are dumb af.
  2. Where are the Moms? Bonnie? And @JaCrispy when you need them most?
  3. @BillsFanNC doesn't want you focused on the real PIGS in society.
  4. So, let's assume one believes in God: God created people, including those with gender dysphoria. God also endowed scientists with skills to develop solutions to alleviate this condition. 1) Should people be penalized for striving to improve their own lives? 2) Is there a study that illustrates how transgender people negatively impact others, particularly students? Or are you just sharing more feelings because you are scared?
  5. Why would P e c k e r pay for a story that wasn't true? And what did they have to hide?
  6. Doesn't sound like life was better four years ago...
  7. Is bleach another word for DISINFECTANT?
  8. If only the MOMS of Hitler and Bonnie HIGHLIGHTED the REAL dregs of society.
  9. How am I lying? Do you need a tissue or a KLEENEX?
  10. Older Americans cannot survive on it now - so let's cut it more so we can give the 1% an EVEN bigger tax cuts.
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