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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Oh, Karen, gtfoh - you fkn care. Because this is totally normal.
  2. Oh, now you're deflecting to Obama - whose last day in office was 2,657 days ago. jfc 100 fkn percent. You freaks want to erase Americans that are not white, straight, and male. foh
  3. 👆These idiots never think
  4. No one is above the law. BTW - what was your old username here? You're certainly not new.
  5. There is our “independent” ladies and gentleman. Always wiping Trumps ass.
  6. Here we go again - “transform America” while your party is passing laws and transforming America. Projection at its finest.
  7. Sleepiness is a sign of dementia... poor Don. Sleepy and chilly.
  8. Please clarify how Soros, who is Jewish, is supporting anti-Israel protests. How does this reconcile with his funding of Biden and the Dems, who are also being protested? GQP: When in doubt: blame Soros. Meanwhile, Bonnie - who really is funding this? Freakn Nazi
  9. But the kids! Scary books! Black history! GQP: Get to work, no break for you and STFU.
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