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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. It's the Offensive Line. It's simply not playing well, run-blocking or pass-blocking. Agreed with the stuff about situational 3rd down Defense, but that would be less of an issue if our OL wasn't playing like 28th in the league. Just my opinion
  2. Simply, they are liars, and they've been lying to us for 2.5 years.
  3. This is true and not true. Printing money definitely causes inflation, but I and many others argued about shutting down the economy and its impacts, and the clear and easy biggest issue with shutting the economy would be and is Inflation. There is monetary inflation, supply-side destruction inflation, and demand inflation inflation, and this Leftist-Western cabal managed to nail all aspects of every one of those. These people have no idea how the world works, that much is clear. The Fed is not perfect but was "easy" for a long-time. The Primary Issue was the indoctrination of horrendous Leftist policies. To think Bernie Sanders wanted to print $7 TRILLION and was only stopped by Manchin?!?!?! These people are just plain stupid, and we'll all and are paying the price
  4. RSV and other Viruses have children's hospitals nation-wide at full capacity. We protected 86 year olds to the detriment of 6 year olds. Just stupid people running this place, most of them Leftists
  5. You're right, I don't care in the least, end of the day
  6. Quite the world we've turned this into, where a "public", often insincere apology, is more "acceptable" than a sincere, private apology. *** obviously I haven't seen the private apology to assess its veracity But this is the Liberal world and how they want it. It's pathetic, frankly
  7. (Why do I even bother) Joe inherited an Economy that was affected by Leftist-driven shut-down because these people WANTED to be controlled. As a result of the massive decline in Economic output due to the Leftists' cult-driven thirst for power, the Gov't printed Trillions of dollars and simply gave it to the population, thus ensuring massive inflation and the resulting upcoming Economic crash. More poignantly, Joe hasn't done anything, the Leftist cabal in charge of our lives since March of 2020 did this. The 2019 deficit was just fine and the Economy was strong and promising. What we have now is nothing close to that, despite what your Leftist echo-chambers are telling you
  8. This is all correct. Be wise to save your nickels. Fed Funds above 5% plus a virtual certainty that China will take advantage of weak US Presidential Leadership (Biden-Harris-Pelosi) to invade Taiwan within the next 2 years means we are in for a rocky road.
  9. Just to help you out here, this is kind of worst-case scenario The jobs that were created were not of high-quality: Full-time workers: -433K Part-time workers: +164K The pretty sizeable layoff announcements that have been hitting everywhere would have not have impacted this number. BUT, it means the Fed has to keep tightening, meaning raising interest rates, which are at levels we already can't afford. Housing and Auto finance is already done for. Fed keeps hiking to 5% Fed Funds and you're talking 8-9% Mortgage Rates, 12% Auto loan rates...all that joyful stimulus spending the Biden Admin launched into the economy won't mean a thing. I am certainly not rooting against the US Economy, hoping we can avoid a worst-case crash...but from an analytical stand-point this does nothing good for us right now.
  10. Emperor Has No Clothes Update: Happened to see NBC News this morning as wife had it on...this is the NBC NEWS reporter... New details on Paul Pelosi attack...Police say Mr. Pelosi answered the door and showed no signs of distress, then he walked back INTO the house and police followed...minutes later the attacker struck I know weird stuff happens in SF, but the Newscast just like let that go...just nodding away like OK that makes sense. If I felt they had ANY personal integrity, the Democrat Left would acknowledge and apologize for their statements vilifying their "opponents" when this was really just some nutjob It sucks that Mr Pelosi was attacked like that, but let's acknowledge what's really happening in our Leftist Media echochambers
  11. I will say, in addition to Bloomberg, the NYTimes is essentially becoming unreadable now as well. The WSJ will call it when, say, Trump is saying or doing something dumb. The NYTimes is such mouth-piece that you have to challenge even "facts" they're spewing on their pages.
  12. I read the WSJ and NYTimes every day. I read Bloomberg News constantly all day long (weekdays). And I read the NY Post when I find myself on the train home (weekdays). Websites would be CNN & NBC News. I used to read Drudge for a long time but 3-4 years ago it became unreadable. Guess we have to include Apple News and Twitter these days. I think that covers it. And of course, PPP
  13. Bloomberg News is actually off the rails these days. Can't rely on it or the information therein. Has become just another mouthpiece
  14. This is incorrect. I am not going on national television declaring this random tragedy to be a symptom of "MAGA behavior" whatever that is....that is the doing of Pres Biden, Nancy Pelosi, MSM, etc etc. If we believe the police narrative, and I stated up front that I am, he was just a nutjob who hated gov't and seems like unfortunately Nancy seemed to be the most powerful person living in his small realm.
  15. COVID is simply a respiratory virus, nothing more, nothing less. We have several of these things, including RSV which is now actually killing kids instead of 80 year olds. It most certainly did NOT kill over 1,000,000 Americans over 2.5 years, during which over 6,000,000 Americans died of something. During a period when Hospitals lost all discretionary surgeries and treatments, the gov't offered to pay them to treat COVID patients, and voila, they were testing everyone and since everyone in a hospital inevitably gets every airborn virus, most people had it. The gov't does NOT track Flu specifically, it tracks like 10 centers and then extrapolates and multiplies to achieve an estimate. This is why the Mortality rate of COVID will end up MUCH lower when they finally get around to calculating and extrapolating the incidence rate. It will about what a tough Flu is. Excess deaths is again based on estimates, but I've read just as much that deaths slowed from 2015 to 2019, with some suggesting that the US (and World really) was due for a bounce in the death rate...for example, the jump from 2013 to 2015 was +200,000 people, but then from 2015 to 2019 it only jumped 140,000 people in 4 years. So these numbers can bounce around. The 2020 number jumps up to 3.39 per US Census, but I've seen estimates that are much below that (linked below). 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2.712m 2.744m 2.813m 2.839m 2.854m 3.39m United States of America Number of deaths, 1950-2021 - knoema.com
  16. The metrics are all lies, that's the problem. I don't know ANYONE who died from COVID, but I do know three elderly people who passed away who were categorized as COVID deaths but were not. One was 79 years old, Dementia & Parkinsons, constantly wandering around and had stopped feeding himself or taking care of himself, died of natural causes Another, and this is unbelievable, the family didn't want their 87 year old father to have to go through a second diabetic-induced leg amputation so they let him go, removed feeding tube and everything...but he died of COVID The bottom line is certain Americans WANTED COVID to be a thing so badly they created a "Covid-tracker"...we have never been able to track disease, flu, even deaths in this country but they had COVID data in real-time. It's a joke. And a Lie
  17. I am not here to support any theory other than the updated Police version, and nobody (politician or otherwise) should ever be attacked, BUT... I always get a hearty laugh when Dems/Leftists espouse these views that normal people are crazy to suspect something suspicious happened because "there's no evidence" or "he said he didn't know him and had never seen him before" Of course if Paul was having something untoward going on while Nancy was away, he's going to say I don't know him. OF COURSE he would. And OF COURSE the Police, at the direction of "Government officials" and the FBI wouldn't be out searching for evidence in such a case, thereby CREATING or DISCOVERING the evidence you say is not there to show another possible cause. The absence of something is not conclusive ESPECIALLY around something as sensitive as this...they're trying to turn a failed-city vagrant into an Ultra-MAGA hitman here, accommodations must be made. Ultimately, this country is worse off for the Leftist Sheep just taking their marching orders from their cabal leaders. For heavens sake, the Leftists' initial patron Saint sat up there and lied and denied that he had extra-marital relations right up there on the stand. Just not people with a lot of depth.
  18. This is not correct. People didn't like Trump because of an illicit recorded female joke (Million Women's March, LOL) but his policies and decisions were A+ He did NOT leave an easy path for Dems, because they promised to do the OPPOSITE of what he did, but what he did was correct, so....
  19. We are led by a total clown show, all over, up and down Scary
  20. Geezus. Public business no. Private, yes. i dont even care here just trying to help you. These are symptoms. I can assure you, civilizations over the eons that have tempted these fates have fallen by them. We know that, because right now we're the only one left. It's not hard.
  21. It's as simple as that is how our country came to be formed and continues to be standing...it's also part of the reason the country survived and thrived and IS the nation you (presumably) reside in today. Feels to me like (in general) the American Left takes a whole helluva lot for granted these days. Life on this rock ain't easy...amazing civilizations just don't "appear" out of nowhere...and have have NEVER, EVER emerged when the type of principles the American Left wants to apply and live by have been dominant. Not ever. Those principles HAVE led to the demise of civilizations many times over, though
  22. It just seems like you're not going to get it. That's what it feels like to me. (and that's OK by the way) And I don't mean that in the "gotcha" sense. It's just so very clear at this point, and most people are "normal" and don't run around trying to create life statements for others (talking about the folks suing bakers here). All that said, I have zero problem with anyone being who they are and I guess if it wasn't vulgar and I owned a bakery I'd do whatever.
  23. You are correct. COVID was a Global Psy Op East vs. West, we are now in the 2nd Stage (Western Civ economic calamity and implosion). Taiwan will likely be invaded next. The East saw a pathetic shift Leftward in Western Civilization and saw them ripe for disruption, and our Leftist leaders were happy to oblige.
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