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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. You people really don't get stuff...if inflation was still up in the 5-7-9% range, we would be in a Galactic Depression. Inflation has a way of self-correcting, because the Fed has to raise rates in punishing fashion (tried to finance a car or house lately? good luck) which at first is inflationary as well, but then later on corrects prices through weaker Economy. We are approaching this stage -- higher unemployment, lower income, lower savings, lower prices. Higher rates are initially good for Asset Owners except for long-duration bonds and Growth (long-duration) stocks, but the massive Fiscal stimulus has kept the asset owners plenty happy. This Adminstration has ZERO to brag about re: the Economy, which is why the dolts shut down the "Bidenomics" moniker right-quick.
  2. Now assess what Biden and the Biden campaign did with 51 CIA operatives who all lied on a signed "affadavit" that Biden then represented as truth which he knew was false in terms of Election interference. I don't even care anymore, this country is done for, will just happen more quickly if Biden is re-elected
  3. It's the Emperor Has No Clothes Civilization He can do or not do what he likes!
  4. I don't know why I reply on here, but, if you had children, you would certainly be hoping that Trump won on appeal, because you definitely wouldn't want them to be living in a world where this stuff happens...
  5. Like the Democrats in the 1860s-70s
  6. This is also a super-dumb statement, demonstrating zero knowledge in how these separate elections happen...also, ironically, proves the point that's trying to be disputed. But this is where we are, in the USSA
  7. As usual, this is dumb. They simply don't know that they are...
  8. Just have to admire the willful ignorance demonstrated here...like this is the country as it's been up to this point. So clueless, and clearly a product of the Leftist news echo-bubble that can convince people this is something that's happened before. Hey, noone ever dictated that successful civilizations were destined to thrive, or even survive, forever.... But, DEMOCRACY is on the ballot
  9. Will be interesting to know what the next name of this piece of Earth will be, when they're done with it
  10. In short, Globalism Why, I don't know, just because some people hate what we had. Likely external, Eastern influences
  11. Geezus Christ. It's called a market. If people don't like the quality/size/price of the product (Snickers Bar) they don't have to buy it. Laughable stuff all around we're seeing in these United States
  12. The WSJ broke the buck here with the proper/obvious explanation...the recent "immigrants" are keeping the US Job Machine alive... Everyday Americans must work 2-3 jobs to pay all these inflated prices, but it's "Immigration" that is firing up the Jobs reports. https://www.wsj.com/economy/jobs/unemployment-jobs-report-us-immigration-surge-8e260f47?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1
  13. These people (DAs, Judges) in GA and NY should be disbarred, and frankly probably arrested. But we're not a serious nation and so that won't happen.
  14. Dumb person alert. I feel bad being direct but am of the opinion that pointing out that someone is way is helpful now, that our society is on the precipice of self-destruction...
  15. yeah, it's all over. Oh well, it was a nice run for "America"
  16. My ignore list grows! I think I'll start feeling a little better about the human race soon....just a little but still
  17. LOL Some people have no comprehension for American Justice and what it's become (in certain jurisdictions). I could be sued for Sexual Assault right now because I lived in Manhattan from 1999-2005, the person (woman) wouldn't have to remember any details, just say I did it. That's exactly what's happened here in the Trump "Sexual Assault" case. The Leftist morons on here will say "it'll only happen to Donald Trump" because they have zero critical thinking skills, but once lines are broken they are rarely reined in. The American Civilization, driven by private property protection, equality under the law, due process, etc, is effectively over. We'll see what the Leftist Overlords cook up for us.
  18. It's the Emperor Has No Clothes Society....Hans Christian Andersen way ahead of his time And American Leftist "Voters" are the useful idiots in this modern version
  19. The idiot Leftists in the world who shut down the Economy caused Supply Side inflation for a bit. The stupid Leftist President the idiot Leftist "voters" installed, all 81m of them (16m more than St. OBAMA got) created society-level inflation by printing money and handing it out because he's (at-best) a feel-good simpleton who understood very little back then and obviously nothing now
  20. This is the classically moronic Liberal Leftist goofball stupid party line... "He spent Trillions of our money, he's so great! He got a Bill passed to spend Trillions of dollars, he's awesome!" We are in upside-down world...these morons don't realize that the real reason our cities/airports/infrastructure are embarrassing and ready to collapse is because they crowded out such infrastructure spending on Social Programs that are poised to destroy our civilization...but illiterate, dumb, Leftist Feel-Good Americans finally stupidly handed a Leftist President a Leftist Senate and a Leftist House, and they passed huge spending programs! Yeah! (never mind the catastrophic inflation - them prices aren't going back down - and crowding out of private investment and drawdown of our National Defense capabilities - those ammo stockpiles likely won't be ready when WE need them...but all good, SPENDING BILLS!)
  21. Nah, you're just dumb If you blow up the Federal Balance Sheet, putting us all at risk, by printing $12T+ dollars and shooting them into the Economy...your numbers better not be crummy. But, and he reason Biden is so unpopular....absolute prices up 28% everywhere make nothing affordable. I don't expect the Leftists on here to understand even basic Economics so why bother?
  22. This is not as far-fetched as you would make it out to be. It could be very simply about Franchise-values...simply put, if you bought something for $300m in 2000, and they came to you and noted that it will be worth $2-$3 BILLION in several years if you play along, I suspect owners will go along with it... It could have been communicated very innocently. "hey, owners, we know there is no more money, really, in in-stadium Revenue or value. The tickets and seats aren't getting more expensive and the stadiums can't get bigger. Instead, we are signing this MEGA contract with these Cable/Television networks (back then) that have gobs of money because idiot Americans just pay for cable bundles, but that's our ticket. The ONLY thing they ask for is that we have appropriate, exciting matchups on TV at the right time. This may mean we'll have to endeavor to ensure the "right" teams are on at the "right times" and the right teams are good, most of the time. We'll give you a bone every so often, but by and large your job will be keep the masses appeased and collect huge dividends and see your franchise values erupt well above the debt used to purchase the Team" Whether implicit or explicit the League could then orchestrate through various mechanisms outcomes they desired. Just spit-ballin' here
  23. Sometimes, you don't need to get dragged into the details. The American Left is a destructionary device. It's as simple as that. Not build, destroy. You don't understand that becuase you subscribe to this or that little pedantic issue that fills your mind/day, and aren't able to conjure a realistic picture, but that's what's happening and what's further planned. Stop worrying about the little stuff. There should be LESS government, in most all instances
  24. It's not "Biden" He's merely a symptom. Unfortunately, as predicted by historians (because it happens throughout history), civilizations eventually become soft, forget what "got them there", then succumb to a Leftist slide into self-destruction (that is categorized miscorrectly as being conquered but that's not right). Biden is a symptom. The American and Global Left are the problem. Unequivocally.
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