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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. very simply, they are bad people really all there is to it
  2. basically American Democrats enthusiastically want the dumbest govt ever
  3. Nobody dies "from the flu", and nobody dies "from COVID". These are viruses that can potentially stimulate other ailments that can create harm, but it's a huge public disservice for everyone for the "Medical Community" to suddenly switch how they manage these communications
  4. I mean this in a hopefully productive way...but you should try saying something true or intelligent some time. Might feel good. That is to say, parroting Marxist talking points all day long must be ehausting. So much cognitive dissonance
  5. Biden's plan to combat inflation? What plan? The only thing the Bidens did was yell at companies who were trying to navigate the higher prices and interest rates that he created, and then print/spend more money to make things worse...they did literally nothing else I run a dinner in the Adirondacks every year, last 18 years, hard data, and the cost of that dinner is up 81% ($32 to $58) per head since Biden took office, hard facts, not this mularkey these people throw out there. The Fed crushed inflation by raising Interest Rates in historic fashion, crushing small business and consumers along the way...the top 20-30% who own assets can survive, the rest are in deep trouble if this keeps up. The Global inflation comparison is so ridiculous, when you are on top of the mountain (for now) you ought to be able to manage things better than others, again Reserve Currency status. I don't have talking points, I understand things, and the things going on around here are horrendous, and I can't believe it, would only get worse with Harris/whats-his-name
  6. We are the (currently, still, hopefully) World's Reserve Currency despite the Biden Admin trying to destroy that factor...the United States as 30% of the Globe's economy imports/exports inflation, that's not even a legitimate question, dammit I can't stand this place. Honestly it's not worth debating people on this who think it may actually be a topic or question, they are simply dumb people...
  7. Perhaps the most clueless post in the history of this forum... He printed and handed out Trillions of dollars, you dolt...INTO a reasonably recovering economy with a supply constraint issue...that's like the DUMBEST thing you can do and he did it, and then bragged about it. Geezus these Leftists are stupid, just stupid
  8. absurd, Minneapolis is dying so ridiculous
  9. I realize there isn't much intelligence on here, but I'll try anyways... Take 100 Units (dollars, yen, whatever) Multiply by 0.94 (Japan on Friday), leaves with 94 Units Multiply by 0.875 (Japan on Monday), leaves w/ 82.25 Units Multiply by 1.105 (Japan on Tuesday), leaves w/ 90.8 Units (Yeah!)
  10. tou need to start thinking critically… a dead “lone wolf” would be the best outcome for the CIA after this so they capture some zealot on a dark web forum and give him an offer he can’t refuse. Because they got him….entrapment, but what they want gets done, the shooter is dead, and all the Leftists are happy
  11. Then why did they wipe his social media presence? 2nd derivative thinking here!?!
  12. This feels like hilarious satire, but I'll play along... What exactly have they done well? And please, don't say they got spending bills passed...that's simply not qualified as "doing something good'
  13. I'd suggest you start thinking....the "Left/Right" and Democrat/Republican has shifted DRAMATICALLY in the last 10-20-30 years
  14. Wrong Just, wrong. And, I'd add, this is society-ending psychosis
  15. Well half the country is principally stupid. The Democrats are either hopelessly wealthy folks (scions) who can finance themselves above the fray, or very poorly educated people who along w/ with the aforementioned tell them. Not good. Looking at 12 years of Kamala Harris after this "election" (they just need Biden there to "keep it close" so they can make the numbers work. "just don't get blown out")
  16. they should not get that chance. After what they've done to the nation/world these last 4 years, the Democrat party should be at least suspended, maybe disbanded, and not allowed to run a candidate this cycle.
  17. You people have no idea what this all means and are simply reduced to Left Wing media talking points. In no successful system would an Executive live in constant fear that every decision he makes for the good of the country could get him indicted thereafter. Our country has appropriate checks and balances to depose a President acting badly. Prosecuting those who acted as President after the fact would simply mean we wouldn't get good people to do this job...but I acknowledge our Leftist friends have little to no critical thinking skills and so they can't see this next layer... Your very BEST argument would be that the Leftist media has already ensured that no rational, capable, intelligent, successful person would do this anyway, and therefore that trap is already sprung, but at least we're still trying. Biden should go...the Democrat Party should be disbanded this cycle for lying to the American people for 4 years.
  18. My response to this is our civilization is effectively over. Just everything, it's over.
  19. it’s an absurd question anyway childcare is a state/local issue, not a Federal govt thing
  20. Actually, this is not right. What's happened here is treason, plain and simple. The Democrat party should be disbanded and not allowed to run this cycle. Sure, their followers can reorganize under some other banner, I like checks and balances, but no, you do this to the country and you are out. Treason.
  21. LOL Like Caesar or Alexander or Troudeau or whoever never cheated on their wife shame on you people
  22. this should have the poster shut down, honestly. what a travesty we've become.
  23. We have a Housing shortage because the current Administration's economic and spending policies have crowded out private investment and the prices for financing, constructing and purchasing new things is completely off-kilter. This Administration has been GREAT for those of us who already own our homes with locked in mortgages (and cars, etc etc), which is why the younger generations are completely screwed and SHOULD be flowing to the Republican side...but they are stupid single-issue Social idea voters and will sink the Civilization via their selfishness and stupidity.
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