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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. This article on Bloomberg is so laughable about what they are charging him with, this place is so effing over it's no longer funny.... In 2017 he accepted "Bribes" in the form of upgraded airplane tickets and upgraded hotel room in Turkey as a bribe to get the Turkish Embassy approved with an early fire clearance? Was he Mayor in 2017? Did they know this already? If so, why was he allowed to be Mayor if this is BAD? If they didn't know about it, how are they finding out about it now that he didn't toe the party line on Immigration? This is EXACTLY how this goes as Leftism turns into Totalitarianism, read it and weep.
  2. I think the grandmothers who knitted their way violently across the Rotunda lobby should be jailed for decades Inner-city Robbery and Assault should be no big deal
  3. Cough, Biden's Senate floor speech in 87 or whatver, cough
  4. Actually, I'll offer you this question as peace offering In the 100 years after the 1919 Flu, how effective did the US Health System get at developing a system to measure the impact of Flu on our society? The answer is, NOT VERY. The US flu data was sourced from "10 key healthcare centers" and estimated and extrapolated and guessed at, for 100 years, in terms of incidence, infection, hospitalization, whatever In ONE NIGHT, the JHU COVID TRACKER became a Global phenomenon with UP TO THE MINUTE data on incidence, hospitalization, and death, down to the zip code or country. I got news for your Leftist believers, it was ALL A LIE. The JHU tracker was a figment of imagination. Look it up if you are honest and care. Good luck
  5. LOL, for your own sake, wake up
  6. COVID was a Globalist Conspiracy theory, unless you're a moron and think differently and believe this Leftist states' data and assessments... "OH"
  7. You have no idea what Bankruptcy means in this country, but no surprise there. I'm not getting into it with you, but you're out of your element there, clearly... The country was a "disaster" because your side concocted a laughably false Pandemic and shut down society (JHU COVID Tracker, LOL). Trump handled as well as could be Entire hilarious you label Trump Emperor Has No Clothes, because that's exactly what your side has done to us the last 4 years, quite scary how you don't understand this, but whatever. In any case your assessment of the Market and Companies is 100% wrong, again no surprise. The Stock Market is up because your EHNC Gov't has printed $12T and tossed it out into society, endangering the Future of our Nation and (this is hilarious, you said Trump artificially inflated, again polar opposite) artificially inflated Financial Asset prices while decimating the Middle Class of this country. Your morons elicited the longest Yield Curve inversion in the history of our country, CLEAR evidence of Fiscal malfeasance that I don't expect you to understand. In any case, and I hate being personal, you haven't made an intelligent argument on here that I've seen, so what am I doing here?
  8. Ahem, the DEMOCRAT Senators who criticized Trump on the Fed are sending letters now...
  9. Wrong. Geez, moron. Trump says enough dumb stuff without you having to lie
  10. There is a chance that you are a bad person. It wouldn't even occur to me to post/write something like this if Obama, Biden, Clinton, Harris experienced this (2x)
  11. Well Trump destroyed ISIS, and that's a fact. Yeah, I said I'm not a moron, in an attempt to prove a point. You're confusing strategic intelligence w/ media perfection Kamala has neither, but when given the questions (which I acknowledge are obvious) she can pull off non-Biden-ism Trump has done it, and it was pretty great when he was doing it. Your gal hasn't done anything successfully.
  12. In this case, it is the government taking Billions more of your money to fund some program that will hurl Millions of it at a time at bad ideas in the form of "tax credits" Most of America is dumb and so this will pass by, but the truth is the vast majority, like 99.9%, of new businesses don't make money in their first year to have "Income" to offset with a "tax Credit" So this will just be people smart/savvy/stupid/Democrat enough to call their Garage a Salon and collect $50,000 and write off their cars and whatever else through there. The rest of us will B word and complain that the country is lost a 51% idiotic majority that would fall for this, but that's where we are in Civilization life-cycle
  13. Right, and Kamala grew up in a Middle Class Household and that answers everything. I laid out my level of understanding. I told you spent an hour with him at a table with about 10 fairly high-level financial types from a firms you'd recognize, and Trump held his own. Take it or leave it, I don't really care, our country's problems run deeper than your petulance and willingness to vote for a Leftist/Marxist
  14. don’t get caught up In their abortion fiasco its all they have because they’re desperate for power and they’ve screwed up literally everything else
  15. Ridiculous This is what failing governments do...problem whack-a-mole once you've created huge problems - in this case having children is too expensive - and just print money and give it to people Ridiculous Yes, I agree there are legions of stupid people in the country, doesn't mean it's good.
  16. It's kinda too late for that, too be honest
  17. Pleasantly surprised, I'm a neutral and only teach my kids to study in school politics wasnt' a thing for me until COVID
  18. It was a text from my daughter, you think I'd lie about a text from my daughter? Everything OK? I literally said I was surprised. Geez, open your eyes. Read stuff....learn...grow....
  19. No, because a candidate for President is KAMALA HARRIS, who has done NOTHING you people are so compromised you can't think clearly Such frauds.
  20. At She said they thought she sounded so dumb, given what they've figured out about what's gone on
  21. so dumb the Biden/Harris administration literally won't sell ANYTHING to CHINA as relates to Semiconductors!!!! A tariff vs. a total ban Grow up, wake up, learn, grow
  22. My daughter in college said her 8 roommates were all laughing at Kamala Which surprised me, and gave me some hope.
  23. The country is over, gone Save what you can
  24. This is nice but it's not the "own" or whatever your generation thinks it is... You see, Childcare costs REALLY is not a Federal Gov't issue...which is/was the strength of our nation. Things that should be NATIONAL, were National. Things that should be LOCAL, were Local. Of course, in the current Democrat/Pathetic/Communistic lifestyle demanded by our dominant Leftists, they want NATIONAL/FEDERAL answers to childcare, which simply don't exist. Sure, they can print more money and hand it to people which is what they do, but that doesn't work. Trump had no good answer because, honestly, there is no good answer to that question...I don't expect YOU to understand this, but CHILDCARE is a personal matter that should be handled, and perhaps subsidized, locally. The fact that the Democrats have destroyed the cost structure of this nation is a real problem, which I acknowledge But your "own" is not at all as thoughtful as you think it is...and frankly, it's a sign of a failing society, which I'm sure you can't conjure...
  25. No, and I don't expect to get anywhere with this discussion with you, and that's fine. Trump discussed complicated financial constructs that VP Harris couldn't even fathom, from Macroeconomic particulars to exotic financial instruments (that we both agreed were greedy/bad). No, I tried to explain to you that my interaction with him was the opposite of "fawning", but I apparently failed (or you don't want to hear it) I've given up on this place, to be honest with you, if KAMALA HARRIS could earn even 48% of the National Vote...to me that means this society is basically over. But I'm trying to help you understand that you're one-sided-ness is pretty well off.
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