OK, but I presume you then do trust the data from this very admirable Administration, and you realize that their actions and proclamations about no deportations etc has led to a dramatic increase in illegal immigrants and thus a much higher number of children coming into very unfortunate circumstances? Again, not my data, and as reported by the NYTIMES, Jan saw a 50% increase in Unaccompanied Minors to 6,000, and then Feb saw another 50% increase to 9,000. So, the math there, since these facts of nature seem to want to be quantified by our resident Social Scientists, is that the run-rate of 8,000 UMs jumped to 15,000 over the first two months of Pres Biden's Administration. That is decidedly not a good outcome. No doubt March will see a similar rise, so more human devastation.
The response from the Biden Administration, as far as I can tell? The most laughable public statement by a Gov't maybe in history, by Secty of Homeland Security: "We're not saying Don't Come, we're saying Don't Come Now" Absolutely hilarious these people, completely in over their heads in running anything, but again feted by the Liberal Left Media echo chamber "Oh, they say such nice things" as the misery piles up from more people risking the crossing.
I realize in the Liberal world that Lablels matter more than anything (outcomes, for instance) and so these children won't be Labeled anything so the media can pound away on this issue, but the actual facts are this new, admirable administration is overseeing a FAR GREATER separation of parents from children than the prior, whether they choose to separate on the Mexican side of the border, or they are separated on this side of the border.
Again I realize the labeling of these situations is more important to the Left, I would prefer that LESS people suffer these consequences, rather than MORE. I know that doesn't conform to modern American ideals.