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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. This is the easy one, will come back with more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/johns-hopkins-tracker/2020/06/29/daea7eea-a03f-11ea-9590-1858a893bd59_story.html "Web-scrapes" "Created Global COVID tracker in 11 hours when we still can't track flu in 80 years" These numbers being tossed around are fraudulent
  2. We're both wrong the year was two years before COVID, not three...2017-2018. In March of 2020, the data was like 92k deaths due to Flu that year. The CDC data was dramatically altered in April 2020 from 90k to 60k deaths for reasons that would escape a rational person, but I believe that at the time it was intended to make COVID appear more severe than the Flu. They say it's because these are estimates that evolve....it also dramatically calls into question the Johns Hopkins "COVID Tracker" that thing is a lie, it was created overnight using web scrapes it's not a real number but we've been making Global decisions on it (citation Wash Post article like July 2020). Also, those 90k+ deaths occurred in 4 months. We're freaking out about "600k" deaths (which is a total lie and everyone knows it, I don't know anyone that's died of COVID but I know 3 people who died of natural causes but were "COVID deaths"). Those 600k deaths have occurred over 19 months now (and again are prob more like 300k once all the lying is sorted out). The real point here? We're being lied to
  3. It's a slightly more severe Flu, always has been. The world was coming off of two years of weak Flu, following the 2016-17 Flu season that killed 90k Americans. This is without the relentless focus of finding Cases/Hospitalizations/Deaths due to COVID which we all know was BS-extended. The Flu vaccine is not a blood-based panacea....these diseases generally reside in the epithelial layers of the Respiratory system so there is no 100% vaccine, that's always been a "lie". Call it wishful misunderstanding.
  4. It's just very clear...the Legislative agenda is petering out, the March $1.9T is looking like a bad deal; the Infra close to failing; the $3.5T looks lost... Got to get the people back dependent on the Gov't quick, even if people aren't sick enough to be hospitalized or die...just very clear
  5. Yeah, no they're not. Asympomatic Disease...hilarious
  6. "Asympomatic Disease" Such a Leftist, Liberal America 2020-2021 thing
  7. It's just the "Means to an End" Party at work. Zero moral fiber or character.
  8. More like 99.6% or 99.7%, once they crunch the data. We'll find out that after tough 2016-2017 Flu season, we had two pretty mild Global Flu seasons, and then this slightly more contagious and deadly apparition arrived and unfortunately the numbers caught back up, at a politically convenient time for China (who hated Trump's "Trade War") and US Democrats (who want to forever take control of the country)
  9. Um, and I'm not a Trump-the-person fan, but you must be joking. The Media subjected him to vicious attacks about his mental capacity, assume you remember calls for Trump to take a Mental Capacity test or whatever? The irony of what's happening is just incredible -- Trump was Impeached for "colluding with Russia" and "brokering with the Ukraine", something he didn't do, but the Biden family actually DID work with foreign powers (Ukraine) using the office to great profit, a story we don't know the full details on yet Trump was continually subjected to calls for Article 25 to be effected (removed from office), but that is what is going to happen to his successor (prob sooner rather than later, I mean this can't continue). It REALLY is the "Means to an End" Party, these "Democrats"
  10. Sacrificed all of what? Over July 4th Weekend, 170 people were shot and 35 were KILLED in just Chicago and New York, over three days. To what do we owe their sacrifice. I know, I know, printing more money and giving it to them will solve the problem, voila. You people have a serious lack of perspective on life, mostly because you focus on slanted reasons for EVERYTHING. I feel for you, I really do. Those people on 1/6 felt their votes were cheated, I guess. They seemingly felt that Biden couldn't have received 81m or 85m or whatever premium to Obama he did, when Trump did better with several key areas. Maybe they were wrong, maybe they were right? We'll never know because the "System" gummed up in a systematic "we've looked into it and all was fine, no evidence, yadda yadda", none of which truly contemplated the questions that were being asked (about mail-in votes, late-night flip drive dumps, etc...). I feel bad for Leftists, they are falling for their heroes lies about what the future holds -- the "Teaser rate" payments to get people hooked on Gov't resistance, only to realize down the road that those benefits are fleeting, and when they want control they will yank them back.
  11. Who is Party over Country? And, perhaps this point may be too difficult, it's genuinely possible that a Party has better ideas that will be better for the Country and its Citizens long-term, rather than just printing money and and handing it to people. 1/6 was a run-of-the-mill disorderly conduct where one protestor was shot & killed; 3 protesters fell ill and died of natural causes (like any major gathering, Indy 500, etc etc), a bunch of cops were assaulted which should never happen. Subsequent to that, a police officer died of a stroke that was used as a political tool; two police officers supposedly committed suicide later as well, but at this point I have no reason to believe anything that any of these people say.... All you need to know, is that people who were escorted into the building, were unarmed, and many of whom did nothing really wrong other than being in the wrong place, have been held in Solitary Confinement by our government for months and months. This is exactly the direction nations go when Leftist, Authoritarian "We Know Best" Governments take over. Meanwhile many, many more buildings, businesses and people have been damaged by Leftist rioting that you literally said is a necessity. Shame
  12. Look at that, how damaging. And they toss around Trump, who by the way is mostly an abhorrent fool, when there is enough dumb-ness in there float a dirigible.
  13. Precisely, the "Means to an End Party" What a joke, advocating violence; trotting a woman to lie about a man's past behavior in a Supreme Court hearing; printing and just handing people money to "solve problems" Means to an End Party
  14. Yes, it's no longer about progressively taking more of your income through taxes...they now want your assets. It's the only thing that will justify/enable their Redistributionist policies. My buddy here, CEO of a company, got a $350 Child Tax Credit this week, and will be getting them 2x a month for 12 months. multiply that across society in terms of mistakes (he def makes more than $75k).
  15. No, it's what happens when a nation succumbs, however which way, to the wrong Economic and Political systems. The Man or reason doesn't matter, it's the outcome of Communism/Socialism (whatever you want to call the opposite of individual economic freedom) that leads to such human misery that there would be such protests. It also happens to be the trajectory that our American Left is dragging us into, in the name of "Equality"
  16. fascism erupts from the Left, always has, never the Right Germany, Italy, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea there are no counter-examples
  17. he’s a member of the “Means To An End” Party nothing else matters
  18. I just hope you are OK, from a human perspective
  19. Why is that "Good" Western Europe is an error that's been relying on the United States for Defense/Protection and Medical discovery for 60-70 years because their societies as constructed can't afford those things. Stop relying on relative appreciation, it means something but certainly down the list on importance for running the world's greatest Democracy/economy.
  20. To be intellectually honest, you need to overlay the gullibility and overall increasing stupidity of the American people. Inclusive of their forgetfulness about what got them here.
  21. Because the Democrats are long, long-term Smart Short and intermediate and long-term stupid...but they know civilizations fray and die eventually
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