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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. Correct. Leftist Europe and the United States should not have adopted idiotic Energy policies over the last 1-10 years. The Western Libs about to learn a hard lesson
  2. This is the reality...Biden himself isn't the ultimate problem. (yes, would prefer to have a sentient being in the role, but whatevs) it's the cadre and cabal of Leftists behind him "Crafting Policy Direction" Look at Europe...our Nat Gas costs $4.75 right now...there's costs $400.00 right now. All because of the decisions of their Leftist cabals.
  3. If Putin is still alive after all this, he won't stop til Zelensky is dead, somehow. Just how he is. Bad man
  4. Russian Media has acknowledged 4,000 Russian deaths, more in 3-4 days than the US faced in 20 years of Iraq/Afghanistan...etc
  5. Actually, drones are pretty effective, not sure where you're getting that part. Agreed on most of the rest. Ukraine has some very effective drone technology from Hungary of all places.
  6. Yes, the Biden Admin did a good job pre-invasion given the Intelligence they had...took a lot of Putin credibility points away in the process. The problem, and I don't blame our side here, is that puts him in a position of having to win at all costs which will require Int'l defense of Ukraine at some point.
  7. the takeaway that must be realized is the Green New Deal is JUST WRONG and needs to be abolished as a policy. Gradual improvements in the Energy Supply equation are a must. Europe and US have made horrendous decisions around Nuclear and willingness to frack for Nat Gas, both of which are pretty darn good for the environment. Basically, Liberal Democrats can't see beyond the first derivative of the decisions they want to effect on their nations, to their peril. Pretty simple. It's all Energy
  8. The utterly hilarious irony here is that the vaccines basically work for about 4 months. So with the booster rates where they are at right now, there are LEGIONS of pompously-acting, self-righteous Americans trumping around criticizing people who are "unvaxxed" when THEY THEMSELVES are no longer vaccinated since the affect has worn off. Since it is probable that 100% of the country (well probably 98% excluding the crazies who wear masks in their own cars) have been exposed to the virus and have some level of immunity, there really is no major issue here anymore. Our fully vaccinated rate is now pretty low given the vaccines wear off over time But Lefties/Dems/Losers gonna loser-ate
  9. Crazy take. We really have a COVID psychology crisis in North America, really the Western World. Which of course was the very point of Eastern Axis Global Psy Op
  10. If you were going to invade Ukraine, you would do so in late Spring, early Summer, NOT in Winter when all your massive machines would stuck in a foot of gunk all over the place. That is if your goal was annexation and not annihilation (which could happen from the air) If you wanted to bully the Europeans who are dependent on your Nat Gas because of their Green Energy fantasies, you'd do so in the Winter by building up an invasion force that you weren't planning to use, but wanted deep concessions. Getting the Ukraine to Finland status alone probably worth several Billion rubles of "Training Expense"
  11. Laughable Sheep Lacking eductation Myocarditis is an issue from ALL viruses across ALL TIME Laughable. Sheep.
  12. No, it was a Global Psy Op and we LOST
  13. 99.2-99.6% survival rate
  14. The East vs. West Global Psy Op is gradually being "unfounded"
  15. Admins, I plead, how do you ignore someone? I keep seeing people suggesting they have, but I've tried to no success. How?
  16. Just to remind everyone, or expose to those who never learned this concept, but Authoritarianism and Facism have ALWAYS, and WILL ALWAYS, erupt from the Left. Fascist/Socialist Italians under Mussolini...Union of Soviet Socialist "Republics" under Lenin/Stalin...the National Socialist party led by Adolph Hitler...now Xi in China before our very eyes...and sadly, here in North America with Democrats and their Techno buddies. Of course I'm not advocating violence at all...I liked MLK Jrs. approach, time to rally with ideas, win handily at the ballot box
  17. They are really horrible people.
  18. The NFL isn't really testing anymore. Which is appropriate since COVID is over.
  19. Pathetic, this is exactly the idea-structure the Global Psy Op was designed to instill. COVID is over; it technically never "was"...it's another Cold/Flu virus just like there's always been.
  20. The Chino-Russian Psy Op vs. the West has succeeded. They are laughing at us
  21. Covid is over, wake up noone is dying we can debate what covid ever was, but its over
  22. covid is over as predicted the NFL made the call
  23. Have to explain what "Real" numbers mean to Leftists...they are championing "higher wages"
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