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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. OK, his foreign policy wasn't "wonkish" or "Dem-like", but I have to tell you, it worked a LOT better than what our current clown-show is doing.
  2. I am no "Trump" fan, but literally none of the above is correct. Well the Intel briefing part yes, that was unwise if true. It sucks that in the last 24 or so years, that's the "best" guy this country could find. At least we have Biden to raise taxes to pay for the more expensive Healthcare Obama drew up, I guess...
  3. So dumb. People are leaving Minneapolis, Chicago and other Dem-controlled havens in DROVES You have no ability to contemplate reality beyond the political psycho-spin you live within. My firm CLOSED its Minny office since everyone left due to the defund police efforts.
  4. This has already happened
  5. The poor and most of the Middle Class pay Zero Federal Income Taxes....and most GET money from the gov't each year. Clueless.
  6. Incorrect, the Means To An End Party would be acting like this regardless of "Trump" Sure, he probably amplifies their generational angst, but they truly want to reform the Greatest Nation-State in the history of the world in their image and they'll stop at nothing. They don't respect our Rule of Law because they don't respect how the country "is"... Look at the 3-year NY AG "probe"...if "They" spent 3 years investigating any person in the United States, with all of their absurd rules they've foisted upon us, they could arrest every single person in the country. They will stop at nothing until they've demolished what had existed. Destroy Not Build -- US Democrat Party
  7. They tactically leak when they're involved in a "Political investigation", since shifting the narrative and creating an outcome before/if anything ever really happens IS the point.
  8. I'm quite confident that you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Rule of Law, Freedom, Personal Responsibility, SMALL State, LESS Government, YOUR Money, YOU Earn It, WE leave you alone, WE DON'T tell you what to do, WE DON'T over-react to a standard cold/flu virus... These are the opposite of Totalitarian/Fascist principles Again, I appreciate that Leftists/Liberals can't comprehend this
  9. These are very bad people. You are mislabeling who the Fascists are here (as has happened throughout history). Nazis (Socialists) Mussolini (Socialist) USSR (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics) Cuba (Socialists) Venezuela (Socialists) The only real "Fascist" state is North Korea, that's really undefinable...the Middle East non-free societies are just religion-based. All Totalitarian regimes in the West erupt from Socialism, which we are hurtling toward. I understand the Leftist/Liberal mind is incapable of understanding this
  10. Correct, we were lied to by Leftist "scientists", who are really political scientists and they saw an opportunity to seize a weak-minded populaces' freedoms
  11. Because this is the Liberal mind-set (they have no idea how an economy works): Biden got up today and rambled off like 4-5 gov't initiatives of borrowing/taxing and then spending money, then declared "that doesn't sound like a Recession to me" These people are so beyond clueless. SURE! Fake a Pandemic, hand over $1 TRILLION to Pfizer/Pharma, then demand back $200B like that's some "policy win" and give that money to Leftist-friendly Green technology future failures (I'm not even negative on Green Technologies, quite the opposite, but they should happen like any other, some subsidies are fine just like the fossil fuel industry because in the end, and as Europe is finding out, Energy is a National Security issue) Throw $100B at the IRS because there are "tax-evaders" out there not "paying their fair share" when literally 60% of Americans don't even PAY income tax?! Idiots.
  12. It was a political never-happened as they defined people who died in hospitals but tested positive for COVID as COVID deaths to juice numbers and engage in the Global Psy Op We had two light flu seasons then two heavy ones as people forgot what it's like to be sick. Societal hysteria, labeling, Media, politics...the Western Free World was ripe to be manipulated, they WANTED to be manipulated
  13. it’s more than that....we will find out/realize that there was a global cabal sending us on an unenviable crusade
  14. I’m sorry, I try but you people are just so stupid. Trump’s IDEAS were good, that’s all that matters. Biden’s are horrible, that’s what matters too
  15. Basically, Democrats’ ideas are really bad That’s all you need to know
  16. Yeah, that's a different animal. Hopefully in our lifetimes (I mean scaled, reliable Energy production)
  17. It was quite clearly a Sino-Russian Psy Op designed to turn the Western Leftist world against itself and shift the world order. They knew what we would get ourselves into if given the chance. Those are gov't numbers which you need to stop trusting, and they are nowhere near Apples/Apples.
  18. Hydrogen does not produce power itself, it is a delivery mechanism for stored power, like a Battery
  19. "The Libs" should be pro-nuclear, but they're apparently not very smart so they missed this boat by a mile. The answers to your questions are that Nuclear SHOULD be able to replace Nat Gas, but for the next 10-15 years you're still talking Nuclear Fission. In that case, it's just not possible and we will be ultra-reliant on Nat Gas. Incidentally your 30% number is way off, it's really 38-40% but in reality it's much more than that at given periods...you can't average out baseload capacity for the periods when Renewables are actually 'shining' or else you'd have extended periods of down-time. The US Gov't (read, Libs) have made operating and constructing a Fission plant so impossible that none will be constructed, I'm sorry to say, to create this response you're referring to. They are still shutting down US Nuclear plants, and the most recent dual-Fission reactor plant to be constructed was/is like 8 years behind and costing $Billions more than expected, essentially shutting down any follow-on projects. There would be hope for smaller reactors in development if not for the afore-mentioned cultural problem we have with the Left. So you're really going to have to wait a couple decades for Nuclear Fusion to take over...the Tech is really getting there but will take a generation for it to be scaled to our needs. US citizens should watch what's happening to their Eco-Green-Oriented European counterparts, particularly this winter when they have no fuel to burn unless they pay Russian extortionary pricing (in Rubles likely), and reconsider if that's the future they under some Leftist/Biden/Harris leftward lurch.
  20. Sorry, dumb Never forget that our society is going to collapse under 8-9% inflation, and the looney tunes under your Party's cap wanted to spend ANOTHER $6T to really send us into the Dark Ages. The Filibuster protects us all against completely stupid Leftists, thank God
  21. Commodities prices are dropping quickly all over the place as investors and industry participants brace for the pending Implosion/Recession that's coming. Such periods are really bad for prices. The Fed has to irrationally raise Interest Rates well above the natural rate to levels that cease commerce because our Liberal/Democratic morons in charge shut down the Economy over a run-of-the-mill virus and pumped $10T into a $20T economy because they don't know what they're doing. The human toll from those actions will dramatically exceed any suffering (over)-attributed to COVID.
  22. It's the great "unsaid": some time ago society declared war on privileged White Males. The problem is not all white males are privileged, but they have to deal with the same new framework as the actual privileged males. No defending the behavior at all, but there are cost/effect to actions that societies are not very good at understanding. And the American Left is absolutely horrific at understanding...
  23. The Nat Gas assumptions...not possibly close I'm afraid. And the Libs hate Nuclear, so good luck with that.
  24. The reality is we are at the stage of the implosion of civilization where Leftists are just rewarded for joining the cause however inane, inept, illegal or whatever their concepts are.... They will be rewarded by the Left in many ways for forwarding the cause...
  25. No I don't care, you just lack critical-thinking skills, and like most of America have little knowledge of viruses Think about these questions: 1) Why did China obfuscate or flat out lie about the real health effects of this latest "novel coronavirus"? I assure it wasn't because they didn't know. They've dealt with novel coronaviruses more than anyone 2) Why did China hoard "PPE" from the West after "making it clear" that everyone needed PPE to protect themselves from the virus? 3) Why were Chinese Twitterbots posting bogus videos of people "with COVID" dropping dead in streets which is absolutely not what happens here? They convinced the West to destroy their Economies, tilt their politics suicidally Left, crush a generation and basically cede eventual Global domination by hyping a slightly worse Flu bug. But "oh right" a MILLION Americans died over 2.3 years of a disease we were convinced to desperately seek outcomes from...the historical obituary of the decline of Western Civilization will focus on the American Left's response to COVID, with pictures of youth basketball players wearing masks, etc.
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