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Everything posted by OrangeBills

  1. This is completely wrong. Advanced Semi Equipment is NOT something they have. ASML has 100% market share. This is a declaration of war. More likely, we've been at war and our Gov't just won't come clean about it. This makes zero sense. It's crazy. It tells me we are already actually at war with China/Russia, no other explanation is possibly plausible Our Liberal Leftist media went BANANAS when Trump slapped a 15% tariff on China, but not a word on this? Semis are life, and ASML has 100% market share of Advanced Semi Cap Equipment. Utterly insane to do this. There is no doubt now...COVID was definitely a Global Psy Op...and the Left's response to Donald Trump may be the end of Western Civilization (at least, as we know it). I don't get, we have a President declaring we would physically DEFEND Taiwan on a Nationally Televised interview, and then this happens, which is going to force China to invade Taiwan? What are they trying to do here?
  2. The biggest misconception is that this is a Fed problem. No, the Fed has not performed perfectly at all, but this is a FISCAL problem. Specifically, it's a LEFTIST DEMOCRAT problem. They have ZERO clue about Economics. They get way too caught up in Social issues (Abortion, etc) when the Existential ones (Economy, Security) are going to demolish our nation and its people's fortunes. Trump's tariffs were deplorable but shutting down Semi Cap equipment to China is A-OK? Idiots
  3. What does Triggered mean? I don't care in the least about Alex Jones, his program shouldn't exist just like the MSNBC "Mid-Terms Podcast" shouldn't exist either. People should live their lives, Politics should not be a "thing", it should just be a function. I notice you didn't attempt to answer any of the points I made, and I understand, there are no answers. Only general Democrat incompetence that I hope doesn't sink us all. You'll notice that "barely a Democrat anymore" Jamie Dimon is now out in force all over warning about how bad things are gonna get....I was asked today why that is? And the answer is because he sees noone of competence in any room in Washington right now. The President is gone, the VP is a zero, Schumer is a clown, Pelosi is, frankly, a never-was...the Cabinet is pathetic and makes Trump's look like the Manhattan Project. Dimon is trying to signal to people that we're in real trouble. The problem is, our gov't itself is the GD problem, they've used all our tolls preemptively and now we're stuck with nothing to defend ourselves. The Democrats' Climate Approach is a Smog Reduction strategy, not an energy policy, and millions of people may die globally as a result. Nobody's lives get better by getting a cheap handout, or an artificial lift of minimum wage, and people are now figuring that out. The problem is, you can't change reality. Reality is beautiful. Leftist democrats live in an entirely sanctified dreamworld where their latest feel-good ideas work...but they DON'T here in the real world. And our friends out East in China and Russia know that and they are decidedly using it against us. I hope there's a strand of strategic intelligence in the Biden Administration somewhere, but frankly I don't see it.
  4. So dumb, so misguided. Middle class and poor families are struggling much more now than they were then. And it's going to get materially worse. And to top it off, the set-up is very bad, because the Fed will be counter-productive (raising rates instead of lowering them) and the Fiscal side has no ammo because the idiotic Biden Administration already spent all the printed money on "feel-good" instead of saving it for necessary. NEVER EVER FORGET that moron Bernie Sanders wanted to print SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS to create his Socialist/Communist fantasy land...we are doomed by the $3 Trillion the moronic Biden Admin Cabal has flexed on us...the net $6T more that Bernie wanted would have ended our society. You people need to get a clue before it's too late. Right now not one freaking thing you Leftists say has any semblance of intelligent/realistic thought embedded in it...it's a joke. And "Election Denier" is the biggest LIE in the history of the world...the Dems denied every election they lost for 20 years You know what, with this education system and this media, we're finally cooked. This stuff is so dumb.
  5. This was the Global Psy Op (East vs. West; Civilization vs. Civilizatioin) that I've been talking about since the onset of the "slightly different Respiratory Illness" that "struck the world" in Dec, 2019. The reality is the Western Civilizations have been crumbling for some time, it's the classic case of "forgot what got you there". These Eastern Civilizations just take much longer time-frames AND they don't care at all about their individual "citizens" None of this is by accident, and our mindless Leftists just fall for it all. Case in point, the Biden Admin's Ban on Advanced Semi Equipment sales to China, telling Netherlands-based ASML who has 98% share of Steppers and Lithography equipment they can't sell to China, is nothing short of Territorial Economic warfare that will lead to potentially active warfare (I hope not)... But the point is our mindless Left idiots and Media morons freaked about Trumps' tariffs but not this cause they are too dumb to understand the significance...and this runs all the way up to the Leftist cabal actually running our Gov't in the White House (and the Eastern Civilizations surely know this despite our Leftist media covering for Biden et al). We're in a tough spot, save your money.
  6. so dumb. So very I’ll-informed Do you know how females were treated 1000s of years ago? Not well. Christian values greatly improved the plight of women around the world. geezus
  7. Obviously...honestly the Communists think we're so stupid
  8. These people are total scumbags and need to be stopped. NY AG should be impeached now And I can't stand Trump the person
  9. Um, the Democrats have been doing this for two years. The night-time flights? I know "your side" exercises lots of selective outrage, but you just can't be serious with this...utterly ridiculous. Your moronic leader essentially told everyone to take great risks to come here, and many did that...families split up, many people died, but you don't seem to care about that. You only care now that it's creating a political opportunity for "your side". Democrats and Leftists have Zero Values, and they do things to "help people" that only end up hurting them (see Inner City Crime; Immigration; Welfare, on and on and on).
  10. I don't know why I would try, but maybe I can help you Leftists understand some things. If you were running a company, would you declare to all of your employees that they were underpaid and inherently worth more than you were paying them? Of course not, the resulting issues would be far too great to resolve and the company would go under. Now, consider what the idiot Democrats have told every American all at once...you're worth $15/hour, nearly double what the prior minimum wage was...to top it off, did they have a remote plan to manage the resulting chaos? Of course not. Unnecessary spending Bills...Arbitrary Minimum Wage Hikes...idiotic morons shutting down the economy for the Flu. This is the Democrate Economic platform, and it will/has resulted in horrific inflation and Fed emergency rate hikes and it will crash the Economy and ensure that everyone, PARTICULARLY those that the moronic Leftist/Democrats brag they are trying to help, the most... Such dumb people. This is how/why great societies and civilizations go away.
  11. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Nice try
  12. Darn, can't help it, guess I'm just too nice...two helpful concepts for you to start understanding are GDP and ROE GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is calculated by output (spending) from three sources: Consumers (C) + Business (B) and Government (G). The G used to be a much, much smaller component of that calculation than it is now. You don't have to be a rocketry scientist to realize that the government has really two funding sources: Taxes and Borrowing. Yes, they have started to collect a lot more taxes, but G has gone up much more than Taxes would support, so the government has done lots and LOTS of BORROWING. Remember this concept... Now, ROE stands for Return on Equity. It's formula is Asset Turnover * Leverage (net of tax benefit) * profit margin ROE can measure performance for a specific company or industry, but its concepts can be applied to an entire economy as well. Asset Turnover is a function of how frequently you "turn over" i.e. utilize the assets you've used your Equity/Debt to purchase...i.e. it's a measure of how the economy is performing, or like how many widgets your factory produces and sells in a year, like that Profit Margin is a measure of innovation and efficiency your company or economy has...how much extra you're able to charge & earn is a reflection of how innovative your products are and how well you run your company/economy. Leverage has become the big one...so when calculating ROE, if I have a profit margin of 10% and have Asset Turnover of 1.0, so far my ROE is 10%, right? If I boost Asset Turnover to 1.5 (hard to do, sometimes, particularly with a Biden in office), that ROE jumps to 15%, right? 10% * 1.5. But if I can lever up, boy I can really drive that business/economy. I can lever up 2x and make 10% really 20%, just like that (printing money). Said another way, our GDP (Assets/Asset Turnover function) was $20T pre-COVID...and our national debt was approaching that level (really about $18T or whatever. We have since printed ~$10-$12T in Govt Debt, lifting our Leverage to 1.5 from 1.0, and thus jumping our ROE from 10% to 15% in our model. BUT YOU SEE, this IS fake gains...they are not real returns based on expanding the business or improving our products...it's just borrowing money. It's Fake...
  13. geezus, such simpletons All he/they have done is cut checks with your money, nothing more. classic liberal/democrat action….create an economy where no one wants to make anything here because of your policies and tax structures….realize we’re screwed as a result….cut checks from my taxes to “solve” the problem and lure producers back here. So pathetic it happens because liberal voters are stupid but think they’re “smart” because they spent 4 years at college during the Obama Presidency every company that could reasonably re-domicile to avoid taxes did so to avoid their absurd taxes, but never mind we’re bringing them back with your money yay. morons
  14. Miller may be (I know) an actually transcendent player who makes everyone around him better. Certainly feels that way. Hope it continues. That's a spot where it's HARD to fulfill expectations, and he won't always, but wow
  15. He's a dynamic competitor respectful of the team he played for 7 months ago. Makes his current teammates even better
  16. At least Trump had a few good ideas, vs. this cabal that is (unwittingly) demolishing everything it touches
  17. What a moronic take...The Eco-Greens have walked European countries off a cliff, of their own volition. It sucks but it's their own fault. The only upside I see is the US may benefit from a Refugee crisis like the Irish Potato famine 200 years ago...I say that with zero joy just the obviousness of it all. American Leftists are going to destroy this country, Western civilization, and almost everything else probably.
  18. Actually, LOL right back. Of course it made the Unemployment rate go higher. That's the entire point. This may be above your depth, it is for most Leftists who don't know how the world actually works...but I'll help you here... We are about to head into a major Recession, which I hope will not become a Depression, because of the Biden Admin's outrageous and profligate spending. The Federal Reserve will have to continue raising rates, which will destroy economic activity fairly quickly (you can't raise IRs 300-400bps in a Levered system, it's just too dangerous, however Biden's disgusting Inflationary initiatives have forced their hand). The ONLY thing that would allow the Fed to stop lifting rates would be a higher Unemployment rate...but the problem is the Leftists' own policies have destroyed the work-force, so the Participation rate is down. This is inflationary too (Socialism). So, because there's nothing that can be done here, they announced that the Participation rate "jumped" 0.3 points in the month of AUGUST, which is utterly absurd and markets saw through it which is why they crashed again on Friday. This data series (Unemployment and Participation Rates) are basically 10%-informed figments of the Govt's imagination...the Survey Report is just fantasy (do you know anyone that's every had a BLS employee call or show up at their house? Of course not. The govt is lying to us, just like with COVID.
  19. you don't know how this works The Participation Rate did not actually go up 800,000, they simply moved the number to make unemployment look better so the Fed will have SOME room to avoid a Depression as they try to stave off Biden's Inflationary Spiral. You probably have no idea how they accumulate this information, it's just more gov't "survey" and "estimate/extrapolation" work (kind of like the Flu data pre-COVID).
  20. Yes, that's how this works. The Leftists who are uneducated don't want to understand it, but Facism/Totalitariniasm only happen from the Left. That's the path through history (Nazis, USSR, Italy, etc etc) They are not smart but they care more about what honest working people care about, until its too late for the honest working people. All Civilizations die, it's not a right, it's a process...and this is the end-result of the process. Think about it...what SUCCESSFUL person from the "Right" or "REPUBLICAN" establishment would bother to subject themselves to this Leftist Political media paradigm at this point? WHO would do that? Thankfully, there's a Florida Governor who might work. We'll see. But these are bad people
  21. Yep, by "raising" $200B in taxes off of the actual already-paying-taxes taxpayers which will never actually materialize. Such a joke our gov't, country and Left-wingers have become. Can't be a "Soulful Nation" if you're giving Free things to your supporters
  22. Well, good distinction. I think I have two points: 1) Laws no longer matter in the Leftist Regime/Era; 2) The Leftists are in control, so they are going to do pretty much whatever they want (Means To An End Party). Good point, there will be no over-turning this or any other Leftist spending pattern
  23. You are (historically properly) adhering to concepts and rules of law I think it's quite clear, those no longer matter anymore in the Leftist Era
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