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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. lol @ the liberal circle jerk this site is now. Very entertaining. Bunch of half witted animals trying to out hate each other.
  2. The mask is off, the anti American monsters come completely out into the open. Not surprised, you dirt bag little *****. Hope you get cancer. the butt kind. terminal.
  3. The media narrative is that Tua and Miami are bananas. Josh Allen and the Bills are...meh... How dare the Bill's not do what Pete wanted and lose to the Seahawks? What else is new.
  4. The media is just butt hurt they couldn't show Russell Wilson highlights all week. Especially espn.
  5. Mike Irvin just said the Bills are Bill Belichick's B word. Ouch.
  6. And the great ***** will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more.
  7. History could repeat itself. The barbarians are at the gate rioting and fomenting their hatred towards this great republic.
  8. Not sure which is worse yelling Joe or creepy whispering Joe. Dude is awful.
  9. The whole Biden campaign reminds me of a weird/surreal/comedy indie film.
  10. Good god listened to Joe from Georgia...His handlers have to tell him to stop yelling, The combination of yelling, his pandering southern drawl and the useless drivel he is yelling is beyond grating.
  11. I bet he puts it back on right after sniffing it.
  12. Lets talk about what this man George is doing in the White House!
  13. Oh, the kids, not the kids...Joe's coming send them to their rooms!
  14. Now that DR banned me from that other page looks like I'll be here full time until you gais get me banned from here. Yay!
  15. Facism is making threats of violence implying it's ok because the other side doesn't agree with us. That's exactly what you just did, facist.
  16. https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/10/26/*****-hundreds-of-trumps-lower-court-judges-shouldnt-be-allowed-to-sit-peaceably/ Threatening judges. No one says a word. A conservative politician says this and justice dept/fbi gets involved. Democrats, turning America third world.
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