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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Got to be a real smack to the face to officers who actually put their lives on the line daily, responding to murders, overdoses, etc.
  2. Now this sounds more like an insurrection than 1/6 did. Time to Impeach.
  3. https://www.sfgate.com/gavin-newsom-recall/article/poll-Gavin-Newsom-recall-losing-Elder-Paffrath-16364991.php Shock poll shows Gavin Newsom losing recall vote by double digits Just prior to the start of the first televised debate in the Gavin Newsom recall election Wednesday evening, a shock poll showed the governor losing the first question ("Should Gavin Newsom be recalled?") by double digits. The poll came from Survey USA and the San Diego Union Tribune, and was conducted among 1,100 Californians from Aug. 2 to Aug. 4. It found that 51% of respondents were in favor of recalling Newsom, while only 40% wanted to keep him in power. The previous Survey USA/San Diego Union Tribune poll from May found 36% in favor of the recall with 47% opposed.
  4. Ooo nice lefties reduced to their common denominator: hateful name calling low-brows.
  5. How about that Trump smoking gun fabrication from NY times.. Is the gun still smoking?
  6. Investigating more fake news. sure. keep saying it, maybe it will come true. Based on past history, it will peter out like all the other times.
  7. Letitia James....who's wants to run for governor. lol. Democrats are unbelievable.
  8. False. NY times. What a surprise. https://thefederalist.com/2021/08/02/nyt-lies-about-trump-again-with-claim-he-pushed-doj-to-declare-election-corrupt/ On Friday, The New York Times claimed it had obtained the handwritten notes from a post-election meeting between then-President Donald Trump and acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue. Those notes, according to the Times, reveal that when Donoghue “warned that the department had no power to change the outcome of the election,” Trump “replied that he did not expect that.” “‘Just say that the election was corrupt + leave he rest to me’ and to congressional allies,” the Times reported Donoghue’s handwritten notes as stating. However, a review of the notes from that December 27, 2020 meeting, provided by the Biden administration to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and posted on the latter’s webpage, expose the Times as once again a purveyor of fake news. While the Times claimed the above exchange occurred during a phone call in which Trump “pressed” Rosen and Donoghue “on voter fraud claims that the department had disproved,” the “just say that the election was corrupt” comment came in an entirely different portion of the discussion, the handwritten notes establish. Read the article and see the evidence, liar.
  9. I don't buy polls myself, but I don't need a poll to believe Billstimes "80 million" voters are 'happy' at the current mess the country is in.
  10. https://thefederalist.com/2021/08/02/if-you-dont-suspect-deep-state-provocation-at-the-jan-6-riot-start-paying-attention/
  11. Billstime will insist Biden will still get 80 million votes regardless.
  12. When Joe lies he's endearing to the dum dums, like how they get the goose bumps watching him eat an ice cream cone.
  13. It seems like no one outside of select social media websites care. I am right in the middle of the ***** in a strong blue state...Regular people including democrats are working, vacationing, trying to live their lives. No one in the real world gives a f%^ck about politics anymore. People are fed up with it all. I'm also convinced that many of the people who voted for biden did it out of fear and resignation, desperate to get a semblance of normality back into their lives after democrats, media and the far left had unleashed utter devastating terrorism and chaos on this nation since hillary ***** on lost.
  14. I think we can close this thread we really have the smoking gun now this time, so again it's really, really, really, really, happening gais!!!! (This time we really really mean it we got Trump Trump Trump!!!!!!)
  15. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/30/hunter-biden-courageous-art-investors/ Hunter Biden: ‘Courageous’ to Sell ‘Art’ to ‘Anonymous’ Investors for $500,000 Hunter went on to say that “all great, great art, truly great art is political in nature, in some ways” before dismissing his father’s position as President of the United States. F*** them - Hunter Biden
  16. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which causes significant distress for the individual, their family members, and friends. If left untreated, the symptoms of schizophrenia can be persistent and disabling. However, effective treatments are available. When delivered in a timely, coordinated, and sustained manner, treatment can help affected individuals to engage in school or work, achieve independence, and enjoy personal relationships. Seek help.
  17. I pray to god this is all a bad dream.. or maybe a weird alternate timeline... Something just ain't right anymore.
  18. Good little cultists keep trudging forward. Its like lefties are playing a mmo, I only have to say Trump 1000x in a week to get to level 2 and say Jan 6th another 1000 times and ill get a dunce cap of stupidity +2
  19. hypocrite. it's only a ***** posting board because they haven't banned the posters that hurt your feelings. bitchers bitching about bitchers are the worst.
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