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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Hahahahahahahaha... this dude loves ball washing criminals......
  2. Expect the government to announce some big bombshell smoking gun investigation on a republican soon to deflect and shut the cuomo thread down.
  3. Interesting...republicans get taken out for just knowing Trump, demoRats have to literally be serial killers to get the boot... A lot of salty tears in private today, lol What's up with these democrat presidential hopefuls? Avanatti, Cuomo... sheesh.
  4. Worst part of all this twisted madness? These leftists deeply believe, in a pure fanatical form, that everything and anything is on the table in the battle to destroy conservatism. Lying, cheating, attacks on women and children, physical attacks, stealing, blatantl racism, you name it, it's all fair game. All 100% justified in their broken minds, truly a mental illness.
  5. Here's one of the deities of the pagan leftist religion in action...
  6. Must be so hard to be a leftist coward, afraid of so much, lol. An unarmed trespasser murdered at a protest is a terrorist, ...to use a tibs phrase... tee hee
  7. alinsky 24/7 now f off forever. now go and make a new form of your name and try harder.
  8. lol...no it didn't, it was another in a long line of bull#### smoking guns pushed by bull#### propagandists and their useful idiots. and it's just being used by nasty nancy to try and get people to forget the awful biden presidency and put the focus on trump for 2020 midterms. so blab blah blah more, chump
  9. ======================================================================= "I don’t care what others thinks about the Dems in Texas - I support what they are doing - they are fighting for voting rights. Just remember - Mitch McConnell wouldn’t even give a hearing on Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. Politics sucks - right?" - Billstime ============================================================= Idiot.
  10. The biggest group of dopes are the leftist useful idiots. The rest of us know everything happening is all a big lie.
  11. Antifa attacks Christians in Portland at Artur Pawlowski prayer event… Everyone take a deep breath, close your eyes and imagine if white supremacists were attacking a church group, including throwing flash bombs at children. Lies everywhere around us lies. The left ARE nazis and cowards hiding behind masks.
  12. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime quack quack quack afflack
  13. That filthy liar knows what was said...they politely walk the illegal back outside the gate. So they follow the law. Had nothing to do with any racial comments. Not sure exactly why that creep poster is so utterly terrified of white people, outside of his cult telling him what to say ver batim, and the desire to mug white people.
  14. The left and the media took a ***** fit over the awkward Trump holding his daughter on the hips photo, and yet says virtually nothing about all the biden creep out kids photos. It speaks volumes about the democrats, especially regarding priorities.
  15. Wow, love the whole 'Biden? not me no way man uh uh' <<<<<<<<<<<<<Billstime's 80 million Next Jen Psaki will be telling us Biden won because of republican voters
  16. That grope and lean in is creepy, like reading a billstime post. yecchh
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