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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. They will just conclude Trump secretly colluded with blm and antifa to instigate the riots. ...and polls will show 48% of npcs all simultaneously nodded in agreement even with zero evidence.
  2. Don't give the mental midgets any more ideas, all they do is steal everything from the right and reverse it.
  3. Same question why so many approve of biden 1. He's not Trump 2. He's not Trump 3. He's not Trump 4. He's not Trump
  4. It's like tibs, cheering the census and cheering at white people dying at the same time, it's utterly bizarre But he seems friendly
  5. Tucker Carlson Insists There Are ‘Non-White People Cheering the Extinction of White People’
  6. This is billstime idea of 'news', this and badly photoshopped gifs. Must be one sad lonely little twirp. lol ...tik tok, rofl
  7. You can tell exactly what lefties fear the most. Another power hungry freak
  8. You're the clown who keeps clowning for the democrats. Talk about biden or the border or the price of food and gas, bozo.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-chicago-police-officer-210319437.html Cop gets killed and all yahoo can lament about... Fact check: Chicago police officer Ella French did not have a 2-month-old child So it's alright everyone !
  10. What's amazing about it is that the corrupt alphabet agencies, the media, and rhinos all hate Trump with a passion, and yet couldn't cough up any evidence of wrong doing. Who's protecting him, Einstein? Love to hear your conspiracy theory. I'm guessing you have another poorly photoshopped gif to back you up.
  11. He knows that, exactly why he posts photo shopped crap, he's running on empty. Just him and his hatred, about all he's got left.
  12. lol the known "victims" evidence? the second photoshopped one is just like you... bull s&^t. you are one sad demented little liar.
  13. Yep, 10,000 deaths and 11 gropes later. You dirty little liar you.
  14. joe doesn't know either...touching breasts? sniffing hair?
  15. Sleepy joe says andy did a helluva job. rofl.
  16. She's 80 ish, unless she made a pact with the devil she can't go on much more.
  17. Omg...it's like an early xmas!!!!!!!! The Atlantic magazine on Tuesday published an article suggesting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) would resign from her leadership role “in the not-so distant future.”
  18. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/08/10/times-up-chairwoman-resigns-after-advising-andrew-cuomo-on-sexual-harassment-accusation/ A high-ranking Time’s Up official has resigned after it was revealed she advised the administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on how to fight a sexual harassment allegation. Roberta Kaplan, who served as board chairwoman, stepped down from her position Monday as Time’s Up faces mounting criticism it failed in its primary duty to protect women against sexual misconduct in the workplace. The organization, which was founded by Hollywood celebrities in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, counts several Obama allies in its leadership, including president and CEO Tina Tchen, who served as an assistant to then-President Barack Obama and chief of staff to Michelle Obama. this is how democrats roll...
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