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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. lol @ tibs' infatuation with hate and billstimes's infatuation with trump get out of the basement dummies, air out
  2. California Recall – Man arrested with illegal firearm, drugs and thousands of blank Election Ballots… There's an awful lot of baseless evidence of democrat cheating in elections...
  3. Yep that twitter acct is as reliable as you, lots feelz, and just like yahoo a bs tweet backed up with a pic of sad trump. You are garbage, and you know it.
  4. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/covid-masks-dont-work-indoors-study/ New research reveals that cloth masks filter just 10% of exhaled aerosols. WATERLOO, Ontario — N95 or KN95 face masks may be the best way to avoid COVID-19 during crowded indoor events. That’s the recommendation from a new study reporting most cloth masks just don’t do the job when it comes to stopping the spread of coronavirus within enclosed spaces. Researchers from the University of Waterloo simulated a person breathing in a large room with a cloth face mask on. Despite wearing a mask, the study finds a large buildup of aerosol droplets suspended in the air. Besides raising awareness on the vulnerability of certain face masks, these findings also emphasize the need for proper ventilation indoors. More ventilation means less of a chance for potentially viral aerosols to linger around. Yea, people really need to listen to people who refuse to do and scientific research to back up their bull####. 10% successful is not successful at all.
  5. - billstime continues to ignore evidence and keeps saying it was trump and white supremcists on 2bd
  6. imho opinion, this was the outcome they 100% expected. They knew they could ride it out unscathed. Back with the Iran hostage affair America was more united. This country is now completely divided by roughly half the country who loves America, and the other half being a 'death to America' cult. It's a mess.
  7. Unfortunately...this Afghan 'thang' is going to blow over quietly imo... the media gaslighting campaign telling us Americans that polls showed 'we disagreed with that war so shut the &^%$ up' closed that door. Joe knows it, Kamala knows it, that's why they are pretty much indifferent and hiding. Back to the socialist agenda.
  8. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/08/19/california-recall-gets-nasty-larry-elders-ex-fiancee-claims-he-threatened-her-with-gun/ A woman has come forward to Politico claiming that conservative talk radio host Larry Elder, her former fiancé, showed her a loaded handgun during an argument during which, she said, he was high from smoking marijuana. cmon, man
  9. yea totally baseless that democrats are cheaters. republicans will never win a meaningful election again at this rate.
  10. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/biden-state-dept-has-no-idea-how-many-u-s-citizens-are-in-afghanistan/ Biden state dept has ‘no idea how many’ U.S. citizens are in Afghanistan… pfft I bet they know exactly how many conservatives are on tbd
  11. Lets face it billstime and co. loves china, the taliban, criminals, drug users, but they deeply, deeply despise white trump voters, church goers, conservatives etc... These are the only enemies standing in these freaks way.
  12. Did anyone check if he was an informant, seems like a meticulously placed distraction imho
  13. Where's billstime to explain this nuts six degrees to trump
  14. The idiots would gladly accept 10 bucks a gallon to soothe their butthurt trump feelings.
  15. Tibs the idiot has his fingers crossed praying it is.
  16. Yep and not one thing ever panned out to be true, unlike joe who is everything you ***** cried trump was. It's astonishing how utterly stupid and mule like you are.
  17. There was an illusion? More like a mountain of evidence of bull####, ineptitude, perv touching, and racism.
  18. I have never known a whack job liberal in real life, seems like you're all in moms basement, on the computer, thank god.
  19. boy oh boy those lefties sure got us good, didn't they
  20. Wait til the 'we cut off our noses to get rid of trump ' high wears off.
  21. The party is in chaos and the online brown shirts are hunkering down waiting for a cnn update telling them how the hive will proceed,
  22. ...billstime sighs with a heavy heart and wipes a tear like a good
  23. I'm enjoying the hell out of the lefties deflecting, making excuses, and 'trump what abouts' covering for Joe. Squirming in their seats lol. It's actually entertaining. Turns out Joe is actually everything they made up about Trump.
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