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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Are democrats conflicted over turning the US into a sewer? .....
  3. Of course it was an op, it's all one big co-intel pro gas lighting operation. From the government politicians to the alphabet agencies to the media to all the internet idiots, like the ones on this board, all of them working in unison. On another note, they should just completely shut this forum down forever, it's a POS.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12207611/Multiple-people-shot-Illinois-shopping-mall.html Juneteenth holiday horror: Four people are shot dead and at least 42 others injured so far this weekend as gun violence erupts across the nation - from Illinois to Missouri Never hear news like this from the US corrupt consortium.
  5. I have always been an atheist. I have however am starting to believe in the whole bible thing, lefty behavior totally fits exactly with demon/satan worship. This sure seems like the war they talk about in the bible. They love crime/criminals, need to force perverse sexual stuff on others, have a weird thing about killing babies, hate religion with a passion, hating on culture...it's really beyond bizarre and hard to explain or understand.
  6. https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/15/investigation-finds-400-billion-was-stolen-or-wasted-in-covid-fraudsters-great-grift/ Investigation Finds $400 Billion Was Stolen Or Wasted In Covid Fraudsters’ ‘Great Grift’ Of course. Probably all one over reaching master plan from the corrupt government of the USA. /end thread
  7. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fnymag.com%2Fintelligencer%2F2023%2F06%2Ftrump-and-desantis-want-to-destroy-the-civil-service.html "Former President Trump on Tuesday renewed his pledge, made a year ago, to revive an initiative to strip tens of thousands of federal employees of their civil service protections and “shatter the deep state” if elected again. " They have to take him down. Mf'ers are fighting for their lives.
  8. Which branch is responsible...the SS, the gestapo...?
  9. Good i hope fox news ***** their pants again.
  10. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options Groomers say what?
  11. If Ray Epps wasn't an inside man, he would be getting a 8-10 year jail sentence.
  12. Meanwhile the corrupt US government laundry mat rolls on and on https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/pentagon-announces-new-2-1-billion-package-of-military-aid-to-ukraine ...and at the same time destroying the US by supporting an invasion. all courtesy of the working class of this once great country. f'king thieves.
  13. https://www.newsweek.com/most-dangerous-indictment-history-opinion-180557 The flying monkeys worship their corrupt government god, the rest know the truth.
  14. Biden has little to do with it, doubt he knows what days it is. The corrupt alphabet agencies are scared of losing their black op dough and probably wouldn't be able to pull off another cheat like '20.. plus bidens corruption is coming close enough to the surface they need a huge distraction. But yea, the good times are over for regular middle of the road Americans and any semblance of normalcy has gone bye bye. Can't even deny the corruption anymore, they aren't even bothering to hide it anymore. Once they get Trump they will be coming for the rest of us. dhs probably already has the first of the concentration camps built and ready to go.
  15. BillStime Tiberius Kemp Q-baby! SectionC3 Buftex The Trump Virus GregPersons GOBUFFALO716 Penfield45 The Frankish Reich Billsmisery WEATHER DOT COM Niagara Bill SlimShady'sSpaceForce BullBuchanan ALF SoTier Warcodered Backintheday544 Plano daz28 Boxcar 716er Scraps oldmanfan Melon Governor Motorin' Gene Frenkle muppy TBBills John Adams Logic BringMetheHeadofLeonLett frostbitmic Sundancer redtail hawk SUNY_amherst Roundybout LOL>>>>>> all cancelled .....
  16. ,,,also because lying and distorting reality is in, While telling straight up truth is very very bad and needs to be actually cancelled, by the real loony tunes. Not interested in what you have to say, how's this for cancel ...
  17. ...this is what total detachment from reality looks like. (all the posts from deflecting lefties on this board are eerily all similar, like a single person or nutty hive mind mentality)
  18. Going broke won't stop the movement it will mean doubling down on stupid lol...
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