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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak/ Mounting evidence continues to show that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), testified how science indicates COVID-19 infections were likely the result of an accidental lab leak in Wuhan. His conclusion is based on the biology of the virus itself and unusual actions in and around Wuhan in 2019, including gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Nicholas Wade—the former science and health editor at the New York Times, and former editor of Science and Nature—testified how Drs. Fauci and Collins used unverified data to dismiss the lab leak theory in favor of natural transmission. Jamie Metzl testified how China’s government destroyed samples, hid records, imprisoned Chinese journalists, prevented Chinese scientists from saying or writing anything on pandemic origins without prior government approval, actively spread misinformation, and prevented an evidence-based investigation. The mainstream media downplayed—and even denied—the scientific theory that COVID-19 emerged from the WIV. Nicholas Wade testified about the campaign to discredit the lab leak theory. He pointed out that scientists kept in line with the natural origin camp led by Drs. Fauci and Collins because of their dependence on government grants and that the media failed to challenge the forced narrative. All witnesses agreed that the possibility of COVID-19 originating from a lab is not a conspiracy theory. No ***** sherlock.
  2. They will be a tough out even with half an Aaron Rodgers.
  3. ah reviving the 'fox news' post. Just like good little nazis, not gonna stop with the propaganda until they censor or shut down fox news 3 or 4 opinion shows. Actual fox news plays up your fuher just as much as the openly propagandist fake news outlets. You turds should check it out and see how actually ridiculous you sound. Only line you turds haven't attempted to cross at this point is concentration camps for enemies of the state. I suspect it's coming soon.
  4. https://nypost.com/2023/03/03/black-kids-forced-white-kids-to-say-black-lives-matter-cops/ Shocking video shows black kids attack, force white kids to say ‘Black lives matter’ at Ohio school: cops Whites are horrible! IN other news, I go shopping in the nearest city, and there's an armed guard in the grocery store.
  5. Eric Swalwell. I bet you still think Michael Avanatti is the best. lol @ you.
  6. He epitomizes the liberal hatred, in spite of living in the greatest diverse country in the world. liberals are so sick they see ghosts everywhere.
  7. Proof of an actual cult. Truth is the kryptonite of the left. The simple truth is liberals hate themselves and everything they see, and they project the hate constantly. Their hatred blinds them. Sad but imo these people are permanently brainwashed and will never be cured.
  8. It probably is time, however if we do anything to protect the border the lib turds will scream all the usual we hate america, all the white people are racists, misogynists, zenophobics bile if we do.
  9. Tucker Carlson is an opinion show that uses visual evidence, cnn + lefty friends = "news" agencies that are opinion based. Crazy world we live in.
  10. for all the left turds dedicated to pushing thier BS narrative, play a game. You idiots are so broken mentally you think waving the american flag is violent. Morons.
  11. No numb nuts disect the difference between 'deadly violent destruction' and unruly. or as your gods told you "mostly peaceful protests".
  12. That was unruly protesting unlike the deadly violent blm 'protesting' all the left turds side step.
  13. https://tylerpaper.com/news/business/voices-backing-student-debt-cancellation-rise-at-protest/article_c1be1113-bcf9-5d33-af6c-3f43dac3ab2c.html WAAAAH IM A DEMOCRAT I DONT WANT TO PAY MY DEBT ....GIMME GIMME GIMME %$#@ing deadbeats without shame.
  14. dude is an empty shell with the media propping him up, total joke. like the leftists on this site I have joke on ignore.
  15. Nothing keeps me up at night. This is what keeps dumb dumbs up at night. like yourself.
  16. A little hard to stuff ballots when you only get 17% of votes. BTW who the hell are the 17% who voted for her?
  17. f&^% sake.. I always thought it was hard listening to trump and his insufferable boasting...this pp head makes trump look like a rocket scientist.
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11798187/Inmates-claim-jail-guards-pressuring-vote-illegally-Chicagos-mayoral-election.html EXCLUSIVE: Chicago inmates claim jail guards are pressuring them to illegally vote in the mayoral election Inmates claimed guards at Cook County Jail were pushing them to illegally vote Guards are allegedly getting orders from higher up and 'doing what they're told' It sparked fears of ballot harvesting because jail was an 'ideal environment' for it And raised fears it may propel Lori Lightfoot back in office, despite poor polling The worst part? No not there's fraud, everyone knows there's voter fraud ESPECIALLY with the democrats...the worst part is I have to get my news about America from a UK news outlet. Despicable.
  19. For libtards, its 365 days of hate... Why not give them good ol boys one day, shucks.
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