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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. man i hate the jets. i think i sometimes am happier over a jets loss than a bills win.
  2. thank god flacco played like ass today
  3. omg punt now im going to bite my nails off .....not another int josh
  4. I can see bills and kc losing today
  5. This has always gone on, thanks to G Bush patriot act it went from covert to overt. And yes this is all 100 percent true. I know personally.
  6. WTH is up with Arizona? Almost week later?
  7. Can't they get rid of the dumb ass celebrities who all said they were leaving anyways? oh yea and take all the quote journalists unquote too.
  8. Not in the least bit surprised. Imagine this was a white fella doing the same in reverse??
  9. dream on ya sick ***** nazi
  10. Bingo man, bingo. Ask Elon about South Africa. That's where America is going.
  11. I see the bills getting knocked out in the first round by the bengals. The d is just ... ugh
  12. I see this one as a beatdown...colts and taylor gonna have a day..will the bills even have any healthy receivers??? horsies 37 bills 17
  13. 60 years ago these people would be committed to insane asylums. Now they just go on tiktok and get laughed at. Half her face is drooping she's going to stroke out any day.
  14. Like how the tards still say he's a convicted rapist. They are lying insane filth.
  15. You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options You've chosen to ignore content by L Ron Burgundy. Options lol ...whining b word
  16. ...another true unAmerican POS.
  17. Then you should take your 240 posts and go somewhere else.
  18. over/under how soon the first indictment happens?
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