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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/05/08/e-jean-carrolls-facebook-history-is-truly-bizarre/ She is a mental case, like many trump hating libtards.
  2. A black man straying away from the democrat plantation ...oh hell no
  3. Soft? hell these are practically lefty heroes. pfft billsy and chicoose and co's only commentary would be to say the person calling them trash are rayyyysis
  4. Most people don't give a crack about what other people do. THIS is what happens when you forcefully shove it down their throats. No one likes bud light No one likes disney, marvel comics or star wars films. Hopefully all will soon go away forever.
  5. the idiots on this board will all say this is all russian disinformation and/or never happened. then go drink bud lite.
  6. The tone and drivel that the op spews non stop makes me envision the OP as an obese unattractive female with purple hair that hates everyone and the world with an insane passion.
  7. America is toast. The fact that there's a liquor store every mile everywhere in this country should tell you everything you need to know. It's all down hill from here. capitalism doesn't work because people can't handle happiness or success. They need to feel miserable so they need meds and alcohol.
  8. You've chosen to ignore content by SUNY_amherst. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by redtail hawk. Options You couldn't fill a glass with intellect from this group.
  9. Probably catch up on all that white supremacy I practice according to the idiots.
  10. I've been saying it all along, fox news is a communist pos news rag, just using the hannity, tucker type shows because of ratings. Fox news drools over biden's schlom just as much as cnn or nbc. The entire media is communist, even that ones that aren't are acting accordingly out of fear.
  11. not very bright are ya, statistics matter. Need to look at population sizes and factor that in. and yes, for the most part black people despise white people - it's glaringly obvious if you live in a red democRAT run city. Everyone needs to cut the ***** and stop trying to act like only white people are racists.
  12. The w0ke mayor says it was all just a silly oops moment. billsy and silly chigoose nod in unison.
  13. hahahahaha. I don't even know what your saying but I know it's probably some funny ass stupid *****.
  14. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SUNY_amherst. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SUNY_amherst. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You idiots and all your comrades is what is keeping trump relevant. Its ironic all you dbags lying and propagandizing has had the opposite effect, lol trump thanks all of you his most ardent supporters.
  15. holy crap the US president looks like an actual mummy.
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