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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. football is srs bsns bro
  2. I've been checked out since the playoffs...was gutted after the jets...today was just awesome.
  3. one thing for sure there will not be buffalo ball sack washing by the media all week, new darling will be jax or someone else
  4. sf - miami sb ...tua stays healthy i think they cakewalk to a superbowl win
  5. Agree, I expect the bills get clobbered today.
  6. Fetterman: ‘I’m done normalizing this dysfunction’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/fetterman-m-done-normalizing-dysfunction-025732315.html Says the idiot member of the nazi democrat party out headhunting whites, babies and conservatives. ....and the idiot lying left can't have it both ways, "conservatives are warmongers!" - then conservatives want to stop giving money to a corrupt country to fight a war and now its "conservatives are allied with Putin!" Lying corrupt trash willing to say and do anything to burn the world down and push dysfunction and misery.
  7. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F09%2F30%2Fexclusive-capitol-sources-jamaal-bowman-threw-signs-warning-door-was-emergency-only-on-floor-before-pulling-fire-alarm%2F Exclusive — Capitol Sources: Jamaal Bowman Threw Signs Warning Door Was Emergency Only on Floor Before Pulling Fire Alarm exact same crime - i'm guessing zero punishment.
  8. I don't believe for a minute this is serious. This a play to gaslight Americans and make this go away. If they actually found Biden guilty the whole corrupt system would be exposed. If they prove he did all they say he did, then automatically the last election is fraud, the media, the investigating agencies who covered it up, the whole kitten kaboodle. No one wants it.
  9. Another laughable pos post by a non faux idiot.
  10. At least we don't have to contend with Skylar again.
  11. You've chosen to ignore content by Joe Ferguson forever. Options You've chosen to ignore content by John from Riverside. Options No he hasn't
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/target-closes-9-stores-in-response-to-retail-theft-adds-locked-cases-at-some-stores-190623263.html Target (TGT) is taking action in response to retail theft. On Tuesday the big box retailer announced plans to close nine stores, effective Oct. 21. "We cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests, and contributing to unsustainable business performance," the company said in a statement. The stores set to close include one in Harlem, N.Y; two in Seattle, Wash.; three near San Francisco and Oakland, Calif.; and three in Portland, Ore. All "eligible" employees will be offered the opportunity to transfer to other Target locations, the company said. LOL...what an amazing coincidence these locations
  13. Cant wait to listen to wfan in the am jets lose 15 in a row to pats. lol
  14. i think this is 15 losses in a row to pats
  15. man what a day jets look to be losing is it 15 in a row?... go bills
  16. hope the d brings this game next week
  17. miami has become what the bills used to be now the offense is so clunky
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