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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. dem wall be closing slow af.. don't mind if in I don't hold my breath y'all
  2. good, now you can get birth control as easy as aspirin, should take care of the need to baby kill. Just kidding it prolly wont do that at all.
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12280819/Transgender-woman-crowned-Miss-Netherlands-time.html Transgender woman is crowned Miss Netherlands for the first time in the beauty pageant's history and will now compete for the Miss Universe crown lol.
  4. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsmax.com%2Ffinance%2Fstreettalk%2Ffox-news-stock-downgrade%2F2023%2F07%2F10%2Fid%2F1126554%2F Fox News Stock Downgraded as Viewership Plummets Libtards on the down low getting caught.
  5. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options If the idiots hate him, count me in.
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-scooter-shoots-people-seemingly-random-new-york-kills-one-injures-rcna93248 The man, identified only as a 25-year-old with a prior arrest, had a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun with an extended magazine and an "illegal" scooter without plates, New York Police First Deputy Commissioner Edward Caban said at a news conference. The suspect has not been responsive to detectives and appears to suffer from emotional or mental issues, police sources said. It's not clear if he's been evaluated by a mental health professional, however. "The perpetrator was described as a male on a scooter firing at a nail salon on Jamaica Avenue," Kenny said. Notice how the perp was described, very very carefully...now i may be wrong but this seems to be how the "news" works....something tells me if it was a white male it would say it over and over and over again. Just a hunch, I could be wrong. Most times when the "truth" (lol) hits, it's already old news and no one cares. The perp. UPDATE: The shooter — described as a Hispanic man with a heavy build, dressed in a green shirt, black pants with a white stripe and black and white sneakers — had a .9-mm firearm with an extended magazine of ammunition, according to a police source. Just sayin. Clear 100% proof of the highly political media and the clear bias happenin' in the US Slums of Merica. - I had to dig for this info.
  7. The lady doth protest too much, methinks
  8. We're at the point now that there are so many lapdogs waiting to repeat the bs and many more internet slugs passing it on and so many deranged addled Americans who believe whatever they are fed, they can now just blatantly make up stupid ***** changing it as they go, until they move on like a cult chanting a new lie. Its ^%$#ing bizarre.
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12264195/PICTURED-Cross-dressing-gunman-July-4-Philly-bloodbath-left-five-dead-BLM-supporter.html EXCLUSIVE: Cross-dressing gunman behind July 4 Philly bloodbath that left five dead is BLM supporter who made chilling Facebook posts about 'black massacres' and 'evil spirits' The Philadelphia gunman who left five dead has been unmasked as a cross-dressing Black Lives Matter supporter who made chilling Facebook posts about 'evil spirits.' Kimbrady Carriker, 40, shot dead four men and a 15-year-old boy in the Kingsessing neighborhood on the eve of the Fourth of July. He is in custody and facing multiple murder charges after rampaging through the streets with an AR-15, a handgun and wearing a ballistic vest. The killer has now been revealed to be a firearm-obsessed computer nerd who posted a video just a few days ago of children at a gun range. Again, had to learn this info from a British tabloid.
  10. Democrats are trash. They hate themselves, they hate others not like them, they try and cram ***** down peoples throat. They are liars, criminals, side with criminals, they are racists...they despise children, religion, white people. They voted for Joe Biden.
  11. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12263021/California-Reparations-Task-Force-calls-elimination-child-support-debt-black-residents.html California Reparations Task Force calls for elimination of child support debt for black residents because nation's laws have torn African American families apart The 1,100-page document revealed that the state's black residents represent a larger percentage of those who owe child support debt than their proportion of the state's population. Reparations for people who were never slaves paid for by people who never had slaves.... In addition cancel child support for them???? It's really time to cut the *****.
  12. Just because there are clips of crazy things online doesn't mean the "left" is pushing anything This 100% proves that poster is straight up delusional and stupid.
  13. Joe Biden singularly embodies everything wrong with American politicians.
  14. Interesting. Not believing, just 'hearing about it'.....
  15. White people should be terrified, and be prepared. It's so obvious what's really going on.
  16. https://donsurber.substack.com/p/trannies-erasing-lesbians lol. dead on point. Good, let them all each other. Leftism is nothing but destruction.
  17. https://www.outkick.com/indiana-jones-and-the-dial-of-destiny-box-office-projections-disappointment/ NEW ‘INDIANA JONES’ MOVIE TRACKING TO BE BOX OFFICE DISASTER While it might be Ford’s final time as Indy, it doesn’t appear fans are too amped up to rush to theaters. The film’s Thursday night earnings are expected to fall between $6 million and $7.5 million once the numbers are finalized, according to Deadline. No one wants to see white men being cucked and killed off at the hands of dumb indestructible women by the libtard left, apparently. billstime, that you?
  18. This is the tail end of the great covid scam, ***** is about to hit the fan. Joe biden and his cartel have nothing to do with any growth outside of printing a ***** ton of worthless paper and maxxing out the credit card. Just more dummies out dummying themselves.
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