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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. IMHO, and I'm nobody ...no affiliations, no nothing just a hunch here... These leftists guys may be pushing this country towards a serious civil war... It is beyond OBVIOUS there are tyrants in charge.
  2. Yields Surge After Treasury Boosts Auction Sizes More Than Expected, Sees Debt Issuance Tsunami On Deck BY TYLER DURDEN WEDNESDAY, AUG 02, 2023 - 01:44 PM We gave a big picture preview of the debt flood (and fiscal crisis) that is coming to the US this past Monday when, looking at the latest Treasury debt estimates, we showed that the US predicted a near-record $1 trillion in debt sales in the current quarter (up from $$733BN forecast previously) and $852 billion in Oct-Dec quarter, numbers so staggering they are usually associated with economic crises... . but in this case a surge in debt issuance meant to sustain the illusion of the deficit-busting Bidenomics, which has managed to keep the US economy from imploding only thanks to massive new debt and deficit spending, or what BofA's Michael Hartnett called "The Era Of Fiscal Excess", something which Fitch finally realized last on Tuesday when it became only the second rating agency in history to downgrade the US AAA rating. No wonder the huge distraction. Its the fascists MO.
  3. I used to think liberals where mentally ill, actually they are malignant and hateful liars.
  4. "Too many white males" .... 100% Racism I guess white males are just too good, so anyone other than white males are just substandard so they got to force lesser individuals into these roles. This sounds more and more just like plain ol jealousy and hatred.
  5. Arrest all conservatives! I tell ya the concentration camps are just around the corner.
  6. Its time for covid part 2, people are getting too close to the truth about ol corrupt joe, the democrats and their chinese allies need to do something quick.
  7. Ford Keeps Losing More Money Making Electric Cars No One Wants ack in March, I wrote that, “Ford reported that it’s going to lose $3 billion on electric cars in 2023. Unlike most automakers, Ford reports its electric vehicle numbers separately, but experts estimate that most car companies are losing similar amounts on the dead end business.” “Ford plans to make 2 million electric cars every year by 2025. That would be impressive considering that Ford only sold 61,575 of them in 2022. It sold 3,624 electric vehicles in Feb 2023.” And the numbers just keep getting worse. It’s now a loss of $4.5 billion. The truth is this was the plan - democrats stealing money and giving a lot of it to their chinese allies. It's a big heist.
  8. Children’s Book Tries to Convince Kids That Euthanizing People is OK https://www.lifenews.com/2023/07/28/childrens-book-tries-to-convince-kids-that-euthanizing-people-is-ok/ idiots on his board : hell ya long as its white conservatives males.... yessssss please now
  9. Is it gone yet? I can't wait. Hollywood is full of racists, cultural appropriation, and groomers. F them all.
  10. I wouldn't be shocked if the next president, democrat or republican, even trump pardons him. It's an even swampier mess than we can imagine imho.
  11. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ffreebeacon.com%2Fpolitics%2Fsenate-passes-bipartisan-measure-to-bar-us-from-selling-oil-reserves-to-china%2F Senate Passes Bipartisan Measure To Bar US From Selling Oil Reserves to China Vote comes one year after Free Beacon report showed Biden sold one million reserve barrels to Chinese Biggest Beneficiaries of Biden's Climate Cash Are Foreign Companies https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/biggest-beneficiaries-of-bidens-climate-cash-are-foreign-companies/ yea he's good alright. at selling out the country.
  12. lolololololol....#10 don't need white libtards telling us what's best for us.... I find it hilarious when the lib-tard's slaves stray from the plantation and go off script....
  13. Truth be told, lib-tards have unleashed an apocalypse on America... because Hillary lost. lol.
  14. Ran across this doozy of a story - yahoo.com, lol https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-is-joe-biden-so-unpopular-170442363.html Why is Joe Biden so unpopular? At this point in his term — about 910 days in — Joe Biden is the second-most unpopular president in modern U.S. history. As of July 18, Biden’s average job-approval rating, according to the poll aggregators at FiveThirtyEight, is a paltry 39.1%; his average disapproval rating is 55.4%. That means his “net approval rating” is -16.3%, which is well “underwater,” as pollsters like to say. Negative 16.3% is also really bad historically speaking. In fact, the only president with weaker numbers than Biden was Jimmy Carter, who hit -28.6% on Day 910. At the time, just 29% of Americans approved of Carter’s performance on average, while 57.6% disapproved. yet according to the author of this post he's good? lol talk about out of touch and delusional, just like the author of this yahoo opinion puff piece making endless excuses for ol joe.
  15. Blm won what? All I hear about BLM was corruption and stolen money, and lots of property damage in rioting.
  16. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options you need a hobby...seems like a sport you would like....
  17. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options Desantis groomers least favorite governor.
  18. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options especially this pos with the countless reposts from lincoln project-
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