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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. This is what happens when Americans call for the eradication of terrorism. We are paying for this BS. Not the government, who clearly doesn't represent all Americans. They just pilfer our money and pay for nonsense.
  2. 37-17 Bengals. It will be a cake walk.
  3. The whole world is grifting off the US and biden gets a cut of it all.
  4. He's a ######...he/she/it has nothing beyond "TRUMP"... these monkeys are the ones who have kept trump popular lol.... imagine being so weak you're literally terrified of one rich dude HAHAHA
  5. Wow that's an awful lot of weaklings who can't think for themselves.
  6. https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Feurope%2F2023%2F10%2F31%2Fzelensky-advisor-admits-govt-officials-stealing-like-no-tomorrow-as-biden-pushes-for-billions-more-to-ukraine%2F Zelensky Advisor Admits Gov’t Officials ‘Stealing Like No Tomorrow’ as Biden Pushes for Billions More to Ukraine A top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly admitted that corruption is so rampant in the wartorn former Soviet state that officials are “stealing like there’s no tomorrow”. Speaking anonymously to Time magazine, what is alleged to be a top presidential advisor to Zelensky said that the Ukrainian government’s efforts to stamp out corruption have proved fruitless, given that they were implemented too late to have any impact, including the firing of Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov. Let me retort for the idiots who despise murica and us and still lurk n troll on this board: TRUMP!
  7. nfl should call it and give it to the chiefs only fair
  8. It could be 28-3 and i'm 100% chiefs still win
  9. great just in time the bengals are back in form.
  10. they are holding the line for Rodgers comeback
  11. Remember football is entertainment
  12. And that's why the dolphins are in first place, just taking care of business and not $#%#ing the bed against a garbage team.
  13. I should have parlayed jets jax fins kc cin and sd, - all locks
  14. I thought the dolphins didnt have a good defense...
  15. Not one outcome of todays games will favor the bills. almost guaranteed.
  16. Even if they do go into the playoffs, I see any of the other teams doing what the bengals did to them last time. No thanks. Also I see the bengals clobbering the bills once again next week.
  17. I agree, there's a lot of issues. They will be on the edge but miss. Hard decisions to make next season.
  18. For all the racists, nah there's no racism AT ALL
  19. I'm going to puke if kc goes again
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