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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Nothing like the usual death wishes for an old guy from the fomenting baby killing left.
  2. Yea they are running out of other peoples money.
  3. 8 bucks for a smaller box of cereal with 30% air tells me everything I need to know about the economy. The government and their corporate allies came up with this scheme to rob Americans. Not to mention the deficit has obliterated the dollar. Its about as useless as toilet paper. 1 dollar equals about 50 cents now post covid. Maybe less.
  4. Has anyone ever been to a hospital emergency room, try going to one now. Enjoy the 2 hour wait. Also while you're waiting take a look around you and see who the majority of people there are.
  5. ROFL....this sums up the media, voter tampering, and lying like mofo's
  6. This is just 2 bad bumbling football teams desperately struggling to not lose.
  7. We've been so spoiled for the last 3-4 years, this team has just became painful to watch. Truly cringy.
  8. how the f did they lose to this clown...whopping 6.5 qb rating
  9. 9-0 ...final will be 14-9
  10. Trump+Abortion That is all.
  11. my guess is they have 2 lists...the first list is innocent people who have no idea - high focus on these people by the feds and other useful idiots as "busy work" and the second list is real targets who have a high chance of doing something bad and these guys are "hands off" because the more crimes = more funding and shiny huge new buildings.
  12. Zach n Mac the dynamic duo{vs da Bills}
  13. Zach the Bill Slayer
  14. At 5-6 gotta be a tank amirite
  15. Sounds like democrat. lol. its funny how the lefturds suddenly clutching their pearls.
  16. https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/271118002 pats beat the snot out of the bills Sunday night game 56-10 This one really pissed me off. 510 yds 0 to's 30 first downs for the pats. Scored tds on first seven possessions
  17. lol its now the fans fault.
  18. I have been jealously watching them this year, that's for sure.
  19. First thought popped into my head.... BILLSTIME!
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