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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Bills due for a lucky type win... 32 - 29 da Bills
  2. The dude was committing a crime, he was high as a kite, had a rap sheet a mile long, including a home invasion sticking a gun in a pregnant woman's face. Should he have died? Nah. However, he wouldn't be dead if he wasn't doing all the above, which makes him just as responsible. But, in the new Merica, where crime is king, he's a martyr, a Jesus like figure. That's embarrassing.
  3. Watch: Riots Erupt Across Dublin After Immigrant Is Accused of Mass Stabbing Attack of Children Riots broke out across Dublin, Ireland, late Thursday evening as Irish citizens took control of the city centre following a mass stabbing attack where an immigrant man is accused of slashing five individuals near a school — three of which are young children, including a five-year-old girl. Democrats shrug. It's just some kids?
  4. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/11/24/kathy-griffin-says-she-meows-like-a-cat-moos-like-a-cow-to-deal-with-her-trump-induced-ptsd/ Kathy Griffin Says She Meows Like a Cat, Moos Like a Cow to Deal With Her Trump-Induced PTSD “It’s when I get on all fours like a kitty cat and then I arch my back and I am instructed by my teacher to say the word meow. I feel like a ***** fool, but I do it,” she said. “And then I un-arch my back and — wait for it — I ‘moo’ like a cow,” Griffin added. “PTSD is a B word, and when I get PTSD attacks, I can’t stop vomiting. So if I have to meow like a kitty cat and moo like a cow, I’m gonna ***** do it.” Elsewhere in the interview, Griffin, who is set to hit the road with her newly announced “My Life on the PTSD-List” tour, said she has PTSD, in part, from being investigated by the Department of Justice over her infamous bloody photo shoot with the severed head of a U.S. president.
  5. rodgers faked that injury to get to germany to play fortnite
  6. well now it might as well be 35-0
  7. agree, i also believe rogers is washed up
  8. 2 yard pass needing 15? makes sense
  9. yea bills are going to have to beat philly no help from these clowns
  10. maybe they need the milfhunter back
  11. I fear at 7-0 this game is over shocking another 3rd down pass to 'reek
  12. i saw that third down pass play to reek coming from a mile away how did the jets not
  13. Cant believe im rooting hard for the jets, i feel dirty
  14. 120 M... The 'migrants' have to be paid somehow.. should hold em for a year or two.
  15. FBI response: We need to put this B-Man on a high alert watch list for spreading misinformation.
  16. Some more good news for the sickos on the left to rejoice https://thefederalist.com/2023/11/21/bidens-doj-tormented-these-four-j6-protesters-to-death/ Biden’s Justice Department made examples out of Jan. 6 protesters for daring to question the results of the rigged 2020 election — and four of them took their own lives. Last week, newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson publicly released 90 hours of Jan. 6, 2021, security footage featuring protesters peacefully walking through the Capitol, often with the encouragement or indifference of Capitol Police officers. The footage further delegitimizes the Biden administration, corporate media, and Jan. 6 Committee’s insistence that the 2021 Capitol protest was on par with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It also exonerates countless peaceful protesters who have been slandered by the media and J6 Committee, harassed by Biden’s Department of Justice, and held in solitary confinement without due process. Many protesters were severely punished because federal courts stressed a “need to deter others, especially in cases of domestic terrorism.” In other words, they made examples out of Jan. 6 protesters for daring to question the results of the rigged 2020 election. Some Jan. 6 protesters crumbled under the Biden DOJ’s political persecution. Four of them took their own lives. Here’s what we know about those victims. 4 down..only millions to go...concentration camps coming soon ....
  17. Here's one you won't see on the wink wink "news" https://donsurber.substack.com/p/chicago-may-repeal-being-a-sanctuary Chicago may quit being a sanctuary city “Speakers warned the city’s aldermen that they will be targeted for removal and that blacks in the areas so badly impacted by the onslaught of border crossers flooding into the city would even begin voting for Republicans and independents to defeat Democrats who are so sold-out to the illegal alien lobby.” The list of demands was awesome: We want the mayor to sign an executive order immediately ending sanctuary city. Remove illegal immigrants from our city. We demand that the mayor and the aldermen to not allow any more busloads of illegal immigrants into the city of Chicago. We demand that the aldermen vote ‘no’ on the budget that assumes an additional $150 million or more — or any amount for immigrants We demand a funded office of freedmen for black descendants of American chattel slavery. We support the candidacy of Republicans, independents, and Democrats who oppose sanctuary city. We demand that you support Illinois African Americans equitable black school achievement. Keep voting democrap, dummies.
  18. ..."has to be eliminated" wink wink'ing at a billstime/tiberius somewhere out there....
  19. How is the moron op blaming his beloved trump for this one. o wait CNN is reporting that the driver of the vehicle that Fox claimed was full of explosives was a 56-year-old man who lived in a very upscale area that had intended to go to the kiss concert.. he was driving a $300k Bentley with his wife. CNN says it loos like a terrible accident pic.twitter.com/CPlLuRk2TQ A rich democrat I bet.
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