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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Will the bills even get to the jags side of the field today
  2. jax is going to score on every drive i think this one is over.
  3. Lets see what these leftist pigs have accomplished destroying American economy, check opening the front door wide open to invaders of all kinds, check destroyed Hollywood and entertainment, check criminalizing half of the country for no other reason than their political affiliation, check destroying an ex US president who didn't go along with the program, check destroying the car industry forcing fairy tale unaffordable electric cars on everyone forcing abortion, pornography and child molestations down everyone's throats. Have I about covered all their accomplishments?
  4. America will never be great again, it's a giant shithole - nasty people, rich people in the business of crushing the middle class, the divisions created by the communists, and now the country has been over run by invaders. The tremendous debt will never be paid, some sort of bankruptcy will occur wrecking the value of the dollar. It's all over for America.
  5. How many invaders will they let in before the slow useful idiots realize they will also be impacted?
  6. Its too late the ###### and his cronies have already changed America for the worst. F repubes and demorats...they are all corrupt sellouts.
  7. I've been checked out since the playoffs...was gutted after the jets...today was just awesome.
  8. one thing for sure there will not be buffalo ball sack washing by the media all week, new darling will be jax or someone else
  9. sf - miami sb ...tua stays healthy i think they cakewalk to a superbowl win
  10. Fetterman: ‘I’m done normalizing this dysfunction’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/fetterman-m-done-normalizing-dysfunction-025732315.html Says the idiot member of the nazi democrat party out headhunting whites, babies and conservatives. ....and the idiot lying left can't have it both ways, "conservatives are warmongers!" - then conservatives want to stop giving money to a corrupt country to fight a war and now its "conservatives are allied with Putin!" Lying corrupt trash willing to say and do anything to burn the world down and push dysfunction and misery.
  11. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F09%2F30%2Fexclusive-capitol-sources-jamaal-bowman-threw-signs-warning-door-was-emergency-only-on-floor-before-pulling-fire-alarm%2F Exclusive — Capitol Sources: Jamaal Bowman Threw Signs Warning Door Was Emergency Only on Floor Before Pulling Fire Alarm exact same crime - i'm guessing zero punishment.
  12. I don't believe for a minute this is serious. This a play to gaslight Americans and make this go away. If they actually found Biden guilty the whole corrupt system would be exposed. If they prove he did all they say he did, then automatically the last election is fraud, the media, the investigating agencies who covered it up, the whole kitten kaboodle. No one wants it.
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