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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. not playing well is a huge understatement
  2. On the bright side its better to lose this one than have our hearts ripped out of bodies and stomped on by a beating at the hands of miami for first place
  3. and here comes the refs
  4. what was that drive a minute and a half $%$#
  5. cmon D keep putting points up there !!
  6. lol defense looks awesome??
  7. Bills = Patriots lol. Same team.
  8. maybe they are depressed miami is balling out
  9. sigh the offense is going allow these clowns to hang around
  10. Do we no longer have a passing game
  11. %$#@ i was only kidding when a picked pats to win cmon now
  12. yep looks like were picking up where we were last week
  13. sigh just checking in a kickoff return..cmon man
  14. Aw shucks was Belechicks gameplan to take von miller away
  15. Be better off with a practice dummy
  16. we really need a "billstime the clown follies" post
  17. Pats are playing loose with house money. Bills are desperate and broken. Not a good combination.
  18. Pats 23 Bills 13 I think this is a huge mismatch, bills again with the turnovers and problematic passing offense It doesn't matter Browns are a team of destiny to win it all.
  19. Removing a candidate from ballots sounds ALOT more like meddling. Just like hiding the Biden allegations. Stuffing ballot boxes..etc etc etc Smells like alot of FEAR to me.
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