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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. The texans are the new bills...bills has beens already
  2. Has there ever been a tie 0-0 game in the nfl...looks like a strong P pat-giants
  3. wlep looks like the steelers got this rapped up
  4. woof the state of the nfl, if only the bills had their ***** together this would be their year
  5. question is who isnt going to lose steelers or kittie
  6. good grief the bengals are kittens wo burrow
  7. Today is the Bills version of Custer's last stand. Unfortunately I think it's going to end about the same. Looking forward to some big changes for next year.
  8. The dude was committing a crime, he was high as a kite, had a rap sheet a mile long, including a home invasion sticking a gun in a pregnant woman's face. Should he have died? Nah. However, he wouldn't be dead if he wasn't doing all the above, which makes him just as responsible. But, in the new Merica, where crime is king, he's a martyr, a Jesus like figure. That's embarrassing.
  9. Watch: Riots Erupt Across Dublin After Immigrant Is Accused of Mass Stabbing Attack of Children Riots broke out across Dublin, Ireland, late Thursday evening as Irish citizens took control of the city centre following a mass stabbing attack where an immigrant man is accused of slashing five individuals near a school — three of which are young children, including a five-year-old girl. Democrats shrug. It's just some kids?
  10. https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/11/24/kathy-griffin-says-she-meows-like-a-cat-moos-like-a-cow-to-deal-with-her-trump-induced-ptsd/ Kathy Griffin Says She Meows Like a Cat, Moos Like a Cow to Deal With Her Trump-Induced PTSD “It’s when I get on all fours like a kitty cat and then I arch my back and I am instructed by my teacher to say the word meow. I feel like a ***** fool, but I do it,” she said. “And then I un-arch my back and — wait for it — I ‘moo’ like a cow,” Griffin added. “PTSD is a B word, and when I get PTSD attacks, I can’t stop vomiting. So if I have to meow like a kitty cat and moo like a cow, I’m gonna ***** do it.” Elsewhere in the interview, Griffin, who is set to hit the road with her newly announced “My Life on the PTSD-List” tour, said she has PTSD, in part, from being investigated by the Department of Justice over her infamous bloody photo shoot with the severed head of a U.S. president.
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