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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Can't risk Allen, he goes down might be a winless season.
  2. My god, she is repulsive.
  3. Yea, no. this reminds me of Aaron Rogers later years in GB, Aaron.. and no one else.
  4. no that's been painted on there with a tampon
  5. Of course they want us dead, why else would tibs, roundabout etc even be on this board trolling... Deep seeded hostility and hatred drives the left.
  6. Honestly 50% of the dimwits in this country don't give one ***** about accomplishments, this is our reality now.
  7. They know, they still have high hopes for the concentration camps.
  8. We'll B word about them after the fraud is elected by the media and black op government. Will they take another shot at Trump first tho?
  9. the freak who started this post is slurring his speech He Needs Replaced! Shouldn't post so soon after those meds, weirdo.
  10. The unDemocrat party will never lose an election after this one. This will be the year that democracy disappears in america and black ops wings of the US government come out of the shadows to take over. ps.. all useful idiots...guess who will be eliminated first after this happens. See: communism
  11. You've chosen to ignore content by Gene Frenkle. Options You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Gene Frenkle. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options hahaha I love how this post has completely triggered the idiots.
  12. You've chosen to ignore content by Scraps. Options lol funny how communists keep popping up on this board, just to troll normal people.
  13. This is exactly what it's like talking to the lefty simps on this board.
  14. people can afford them if they are the right people, and others pay the tab for it. The rest of us, hell no.
  15. You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Options * reposted for the 2 lying morons
  16. Our government and their corporate allies know we are stupid and weak...takeover is getting all too easy now. That's all this is - a hostile takeover.
  17. but you're clearly a new desperate douche.
  18. *except when it's used against Trump or Republicans Tim is a real douche lol.
  19. Sounds like he's satan? Is that idiot talking about books with gay sex aimed at children in it? Think that's called porn and last I heard not for minors.
  20. I'm waiting for one of the idiots to somehow bring this back to Trump. LOL. Nothing weird with the trump obsession. F'in cultist, none of you clowns have one single original thought.
  21. It's because Fox wont have fat ass rappers twerking at that party.
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