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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. You people are miserable. Here's one of your own comrades: "A Democrat state representative from Detroit, Michigan, has given credit to hydroxychloroquine and President Donald Trump for saving her life as she battled the deadly coronavirus. Michigan state Rep. Karen Whitsett, who recently tested positive for COVID-19, said she began taking hydroxychloroquine once her doctor prescribed it to her on March 31 after she and her husband sought treatment on March 18 for an array of symptoms. Whitsett said she experienced shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, and somewhat of a sinus infection. According to Whitsett, “It was less than two hours” when she started to feel relief." This lady is thrilled to be alive, and I don't blame her. No doctor is giving this without consent.
  2. Oh boy, tomorrows DNC talking points are going to be craaazy
  3. Not.one.original.thought. You are a creep who thinks everyone operates like you.
  4. You The ppp fascists won't break this board anymore than they will break this country, Try harder, we laugh harder.
  5. He can't make hopeful vague statements...the morons will repeat thousands of times that he definitively promised the thing.
  6. You morons starting to panic, now that less are dying than what you hoped?
  7. The irony is that pic of the aging white male, precisely the target of the leftist racial cleansing. First time I saw that idiot portray something truthful, and hes flaunting it.
  8. The media has been chanting in unison over and over non stop for weeks that Trumps said the "virus was a hoax" These leftist communist lying mongrels need to be stopped for blatantly lying to the American people. What's True During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu. What's False Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.
  9. Definitely. You can tell by him and his buddies posts they are getting more energized and manic as this drags on. Truly sickening.
  10. People must be running out of their meds...or mixing them with alcohol... I'm astonished how 5-6 posters here are trying to overwhelm this board with their intense hatred of the US, the President, and the American people.
  11. I'm not a farmer, but why don't they make butter instead? There is none in the stores, and they charge 6 bucks for a pound. They would make a killing.
  12. It's better you are here spitting venom than at some grocery store spitting on vegetables.
  13. I've only been on this board for a few days but I've come to notice this poster is extremely toxic. This individual is deeply disturbed.
  14. My god...I'm old .. this guy flat out makes me feel like a kid.
  15. Yes well the 'hop aboard and hate America platform' isn't all that great for everyone.
  16. What an extraordinary slimy backdoor way to pander to a group of people, they must be sweating the African-american vote.
  17. She's leading the country as much as you are leading this forum. (which i'm sure in your little self focused pea brain you think you do lead this forum.)
  18. You sure sound like someone having the time of her life?
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