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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. aka as facts, the kryptonite of the dimwit fos libs.
  2. Your theory is garbage. It's quite like when in 2017 when a white woman was murdered by a black police officer in Minnesota, and it went by virtual unmentioned by any of your msm gods, no riots, no looting, no outrage. You are doing nothing but spewing rhetoric and lies for a garbage un-American hateful agenda. No matter how many times you or your alts say it doesn't change the facts.
  3. At least we are all crystal clear now about democrats... If you don't vote democrat you ain't a criminal.
  4. lol...unoriginal dimwit incapable of free thought...
  5. Nancy has been quiet. Another round of plastic surgery?
  6. The country is burning and you morons just can't help yourself. I'm thinking you deserve every inch of misery you wish for.
  7. Scrawny lil white guys...reminds me of the peters who drive around my town in old Honda's jacked up to make noise hiding behind tinted windows trying to terrorize everyone.
  8. You're just drooling all over your keyboard.
  9. Well, to be fair Dr. Frankenstein was always fond of his monster.
  10. You sound delusional, take your meds.
  11. Is anyone really shocked by any of this? I have been fully expecting this for a couple of decades. People need to wake up before it's too late.
  12. The country is at war, but only one side is fighting.
  13. Lovely people, these 'protestors'. The future of America is looking bright !
  14. Hillary Clinton just has to to be salivating and licking her chops watching this clown.
  15. So, President Pelosi is baaaack.....gotta bailout the postal service or ya can't have mail in voting !
  16. Some say this is a larger scale program currently being used covertly via the alphabet agencies and various subcontractors against domestic US citizens, put in place sometime after 9/11 with the patriot act. Some people claim that all it takes is as little as two similar anonymous phone accusations to be enrolled, where supposedly it goes through a fisa type system and then parceled down to the local level, where the target becomes persecuted via overt surveillance and harassment depending on the particular jurisdiction. Many have scoffed at the people who claim this is happening to them, and it used to seem beyond outlandish until what America has actually witnessed overtly over the last 4 years.
  17. Autism spectrum disorder impacts the nervous system. The range and severity of symptoms can vary widely. Common symptoms include difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviors. Early recognition, as well as behavioral, educational, and family therapies may reduce symptoms and support development and learning.
  18. It's all about the control, baby steps man, baby steps. Also the part that goes unnoticed...5 thugs per perp.
  19. Just say orangemanbad and move on. Everyone knows what you're saying.
  20. No doctor is giving that medication without consent. Be real. You are just parroting the DNC talking point packet you got in the email.
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