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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. I bet you give 2 snaps and a pop for the sweet pant suit!
  2. ok karen don't you have some kids who aren't wearing masks playing baseball to screech at
  3. lol you got nothing, you are nothing...an empty shell devoid of logic and originality. Like being a bills fan has anything to do with anything.
  4. I don't need information. I mind my own business and don't bother anyone. If you insist on calling me a racist simply because i'm white, so be it but that's your ^%$#ing problem, not mine. oh, I almost forgot, if I wanted information, I would look at FBI statistics. They paint quite the picture.
  5. I disagree completely with this. The liberals are trying to make 'whites' the villains that have economically, and racially ruined the country and other peoples lives. This is exactly the early propaganda used against the Jewish population.
  6. How did all these narcissists get all this power.
  7. hahahaha...this is great. This is what happens when you keep pushing and can't think ahead 5 minutes. Expect much much more of this.
  8. I swear everytime I see the look on Joe's face in this pic, I picture him waving his arms screaming nein nein nein!
  9. They can't stop, they feel like all this is a good plan, they can't see 5 minutes from now.
  10. Well they are hiding in moms basement until the DNC sends them new marching orders. The good news about jobs rattled them.
  11. What do they want us do? Loot? Burn stuff? Commit suicide? This is %$#$ing ludicrous.
  12. The mayor of DC is sending troops not from the area away...while rumors of millions descending on the capital...wonder what the plan is...storming the white house perhaps? Cowards.
  13. CNN beating FOX news 6 days in a row 25-54 age grp... I blame this more on crappy FOX news however. They got greedy and sold out. Also, lol at cable TV in general.
  14. This thread will mostly be ignored because truth creates fear and anger these days.
  15. See this is what these dopey liberals and the democrat politicians still don't get: THEY created Donald Trump....By their racism...focusing on races, genders, etc... what got lost, and completely ignored, and to some degree ignored with extreme bias... the white working class, no one is on their side. and the excuse? Well they are privileged so they can shut up and vote democrat or else.
  16. They are empty shells. I wonder how you can guilt someone into something they didn't do? Some serious gaslighting, cointel pro style. Lol I must be racist, I don't feel any guilt whatsoever.
  17. These morons sit in judgement of everyone...they remind me of the dimwits In Jim Jones camp smiling while pouring cups of koolaid.
  18. No one deserves to die in such a horrible way. However, my sympathy is weaning the more I hear. Drugs, armed robbery felon, passing bad bills/checks, resisting arrest? Not sure why his life was any more special than any of the people who have been killed or injured and/or had their properties and livelihood destroyed in his name.
  19. No i'd rather go down fighting 10 of the zombies. Only dishonorable cowards bend the knee to creeps based on a false narrative.
  20. I'll answer for she/he/it...a big fat no...they are mindless zombies, they can't think ahead 5 minutes.\ This is exactly what George Romero warned us about.
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