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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Lefty Utopia....just ask the idiots here...their answer to everything is "as long as it isn't Trump"
  2. The concentration er I mean the re-education camps....
  3. The media and big brother haven't squashed this as hate speech yet? I'm shocked.
  4. https://x.com/i/status/1829621234629529714 warning triggering language Kamala will say she will to get elected then won't.
  5. The lefty nitwits in Colorado are probably paying the rent for these clowns. Sorry America you reap what you sow.
  6. There's more of that clear eyed lefty bull####.
  7. She's just hoping for a "Excuse me I'M speaking" moment with that phony ass black accent. The lefty dummies would really get super joyous over that.
  8. Only about a dozen people in Colorado care. Seems like a leftist hive collective there.
  9. This lady is a douche nozzle useful idiot communist mouthpiece. $#@# her. Not to mention she looks like a character out of a Dr. Suess book.
  10. Mental leftardism brought on by cultist induced TDS.
  11. The more lies...and the worse it gets...the more joy from the left. Pure evil.
  12. 26 pages in and still no successes.... Wait....Is really, really, really liking yellow school buses a success?
  13. Most people aren't really "Trump " people, many just detest and are repulsed by mental leftardism.
  14. Biden, Harris 'have never once reached out' to Gold Star families of 13 fallen servicemembers, they say https://news.yahoo.com/news/biden-harris-never-once-reached-221445943.html /end thread, morons.
  15. clear eyed...from a democrat...lol
  16. She will be in charge of throwing the fat ass rapper twerking parties.
  17. You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Roundybout. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Gene Frenkle. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Starr-Bills. Options The lady doth protest too much, methinks
  18. Lets be real the democrats need to keep blacks on the plantation... otherwise they would be throwing them in jail.
  19. Oh ! "Reproductive freedom"...that's nice The garbage left can't even say abortion.
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