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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I think it's pretty simple. Diggs wants to win. The Bills aren't winning enough. Diggs is unhappy. Diggs doesn't think the Bills can we a SB with Dorsey and or McD. So Diggs is voicing his displeasure. Diggs is going to be a problem...
  2. Just another "explanation" of why the Bills won't make a SB appearence. Beane and McD had no idea their WR#1 would let them down. We all can enjoy the up coming season and realize the SB hopes are basically gone. There's always next year with McD and Beane. It wasn't their fault at all. Fair enough explanation for us fans. Agree or disagree?
  3. He holds the cards as far as the Bills can only fine him. He can eat fines for quite awhile without really feeling it. The Bills cannot do anything else but fine him. In the meantime, Diggs can create massive problems in the locker room. Exactly what he did in Minn. He can state his unhappiness with coaching and management. His words and actions will not go unnoticed by players and coaches. No one knows how this will play out. This isn't surprising based on what we saw last year and his prior history in Minn. To think the Bills are holding the cards here is a mistake. It's Diggs with most of the power here.
  4. Agree 100%. That's why this issue is huge. It completely bucks what McD has built. Diggs as a captain and leader of the team absolutely has a rapport and respect of his teammates. Time will tell what transpires. Not a great look right now.
  5. It goes 100% against the culture McD had built. For that reason it's a very big deal.
  6. Diggs holds all the cards here and he knows it. I'm on record saying Diggs would be a problem this year. I rec'd a lot of negativity for that. This is just the beginning. Imho, Diggs is a super competitive player. He wants to win and doesn't handle losing well. He can likely see McD and Dorsey can't and won't get it done. He bit his tongue on the sideline with McD. He's probably close to reaching his breaking point. The McD culture building will be fractured. It is likely to get pretty ugly.
  7. Agree 100% about regular season vs post season. McD is 4-5 in the post season. The last two post season were 13 seconds and the Cinci game. You can do the math.
  8. People are misrepresenting what I said or I didn't make myself clear. Let me try again. I'm not saying fans here don't want a SB appearence or SB win. Of course all fans do! I'm saying several fans here are satisfied with great regular seasons and playoff appearences. They enjoy the winning and care entertained. Winning it all is seen as a bonus. They don't see losing early in the playoffs as a poor season, an unsuccessful season, or a disappointing season. For many, they are more than satisfied with the way the team has made 6 straight playoff appearances and multiple divisiob titles. The bar isn't a SB win. It's a bonus not a requirement or an expectation. Sure they may be disappointed but un the end they view the seasons under McD and Beane a success. Depends on how you see things? Personally, I don't see the last three seasons are successful. They had legit chances to go further especially the last two years. I believe they should have had made a SB appearence by now. Even a ring was a real possibility. Hope that clarifies my point of view.
  9. It's unknown whether Reich would have been a better choice than McD. Certainly, McD and Beane have built a winning team in Buffalo. Football during their reign hasn't sucked watching games. It's been really fun and entertaining. Making consecutive playoff appearences is fantastic. Buffalo attracting positive media attention is almost unheard of. Quality players on the open market wanting to play for Buffalo. Players taking a Buffalo discount. In short, there is plenty to like about Beane and McD. That's coming from one of their toughest critics. The choice to hire them has paid dividends. However, the teams goal hasn't been met. A SB appearence and or win isn't an unreasonable goal. In fact, i'd argue that the team has woefully failed the last two years. It was absolutely there for the taking. I truthfully believe coaching was the fundamental reason why the Bills didn't move forward. The regime probably deserves a chance to get it right. Imho, I've seen enough and I would welcome a change. Just my two cents.
  10. I beg to differ. There are so many people here who are more than happy with Bills playoff appearances and winning regular season records. They consider that an enjoyable and successful season. There is plenty of documentation. Of course, all Bills fans want a Super appearance and win. However, for many fans that would be icing on the cake a bonus sort of speak. Years of losing still looms in many of us. As a result, the Bills great regular seasons and playoff appearances are fantastic. Euphoric to many. Many fans bar is not a SB win. Disagree. Many are on record saying so. It's not SB or bust.
  11. I would have had no problem having Frank Reich replace McD. He has Buffalo ties and by all accounts his players respect and play hard for him. He is offensive minded and I believe a coaching change is more the welcome. Truthfully, I didn't see much of a risk if the Bills went in that direction. Agree with everything except "excuses aren't going to fly this time." There will be excuses or as one poster likes to say explanations.
  12. I feel your frustration as well. Others will say be happy they are making the playoffs and are a very good team. Not sure why both can't be true.
  13. The sad part is Allen hasn't achieved what the others have except Herbert. The others have Super Bowl appearances and or rings. Make you wanna shout...
  14. Agree but the Bills offense is a concern too. The playbook seems to be double Diggs and let someone else WR beat them. The Bills need an upgrade at the WR2 position. Hopefully Kincaid opens things up or the other acquired Wrs do. Also, the oline has been very inconsistent. Allen has to be superman. Hopefully, the oline improves as does the running game. Lastly, Dorsey was learning on the job. He needs to get better and hopefully he does.
  15. Ignorance is playing doctor from the seat of your living tv. You have no idea who and what impact that incident played on each Bills player. Making a blanket statement about PTSD doesn't cut it... Great point. Everyone deals with trauma differently. To suggest the level of impact on a team is something that's impossible.
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