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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Is constructive criticism considered whining?
  2. Diggs has plenty of reason to be upset and disappointed. In the playoffs he's been schemed out of the games by the opposition defenses. It's been an issue for too long.
  3. Agree. I just don't see this Diggs drama being squashed. It's likely to rear its head throughout this season. Diggs seems really stubborn and problematic when he's not happy. It got pretty nasty in Minnesota. Wondering how many guys will echo what Diggs is saying? Will it divide the locket room? Will McD lose some of the locker room. Will it create a riff between players and coaches? I wouldn't be surprised if things get ugly. I could be wrong and everything might be worked out. Winning will certainly help. Get you popcorn ready...
  4. I'll correct the issue. It's reasonable to say the Bills "have to prove it" come playoff time.
  5. I realize Fangio runs a different style of defense than Buffalo's. However, I was hoping the Bills would sign him despite the differences. I think Fangio is a really good D coordinator. I think he instantly makes the dolphin D better. I suspect the Bills have all they can handle with Miami this year. There doesn't seem to be a lot of separation between them. Still, I have to rate Buffalo slightly ahead of Miami.
  6. How about the Bills defense? Top rated D for several years. Best in the game. However, he's likely to take a back seat to McD this year.
  7. I get that. I am a little more macro with my football interests. I like certain players and other teams. I do root for some other players and teams. Vice versa too.
  8. Oh boy. I see you are in attack mode.I will gladly address you rude and unprofessional responses. Tua absolutely was out playing Allen for the first third of last year's season, has elite weapons, and a very good offensive minded coach. Chatter about him being the MVP. That alone makes the question at least semi acceptable. Did you even read where I said Allen is way better and gifted? Many Miami fans absolutely have rallied around Tua and likely think a healthy Tua is right there with Allen or very close. Did you even read where I said Allen is better by a wide margin? Of course, Allen is more physically gifted. However, any football fan knows the QB position is more than physical gifts. Look at Cam Newton and Joe Burrow for examples. Tua seems to have that it factor, leadership role, and players seem to up their game. Again all reasons why the questions isn't a "no brainer." Did I say I wanted Allen to be a dink and dunk QB? Not sure if you watch Bills games on a regular basis. There has been emmense talk about how Allen should utilize the whole field and take the easy short throws. Often he tries to make more difficult and longer passes to a fault. There is a lot of chatter about the Bills needing to implant more screen passes to Cook and other RBs. Any knowledgeable football fan knows using the whole field makes a dynamic offense. Making the easy short throws open up the longer deeper passes. Maybe you just can't grasp that concept? We all have a pretty good idea of what "hero ball" means. Like I mentioned early, do you watch Bills games regularly? It's been a pretty constant theme for years now that the Bills organization and coaches are overly reliant on Allen. Asking him to play superman is a term often used amoung fans, media, and football analyst. Playing superman clearly equates to playing hero ball. Not sure if you know who Tom Brady was. If not, maybe go back and look at the tape. Take a look at how he used the whole field, mad the easy throws, screen passes, and short quick slants. There were no chains on him. I'm not advocating chains for Allen. That's a figment of your imagination. Where did I say or advocate putting the chains on Allen? Would like to get some clarification on how you came to that ridiculous conclusion. Your incorrect assumptions only serve to make you look foolish, angry, uneducated, and shallow. Next time you call me out do your homework and don't make false allegations. It is what It is. Time to play some golf. Good grief.
  9. Allen or Tua has a better season If both are healthy? Allen is by far more talented. I don't even think that's debatable. However, Tua has two elite WRs and a young offensive coach who looks to be solid. The team just seems greatly elevated when Tua is under center. The players seem to be all in on Tua. It shows on the field. It's not an outlandish question because Tua was putting up huge numbers when healthy. In fact, I believe there were mumbles of MVP. I think Tua can be very good in stretches but I'm not sure he can do it consistently for a season. Of course, injury concerns are through the roof. It will be interesting to see if Allen is asked to play hero ball again. Putting too much on his plate sort of speak. Will he take care of the ball? Take the underneath easy throws and checkdowns? Will Dorsey have good game plays and some unpredictability to his offense In the end, I'm predicting Allen is better in all facets than Tua. The talent edge is pretty wide. Frankly, the comparasions between Tua and Allen are kind of unwarranted. I guess that's what fans and football analyst do.
  10. You state "he's done enough to earn another year." I get that and that's a fair statement. I suspect many echo this sentiment. No qualms with that. However, I'd ask have you seen enough? What makes you think McD can be get the team over the hump? Can or could another coach do or done better? All questions that have beaten to a pulp. The real disconnect is many people feel McD has lost the opportunity via his multiple playoff failures with a Franchise QB. Many feel a solid offensive minded coach is the change that can get the Bills over the top. Or even a defensive guy like Lou Anarumo. Can you acknowledge those are valid and viable opinions?
  11. Dang Einstein! Clear, concise, and to the point. This is a fantastic synopsis of how I see things. It's hard for me to disagree with any morsel of what you said. Well stated and I welcome your input. Just wish others wouldn't be so rude and unprofessional. I see you as a valuable poster that often gets rift due to your unpopular opinions which are largely based in facts. Home run here!
  12. Yet you pound the drum for McD. Which is completely acceptable. It does come with validity. However, you have to expect resistance to your viewpoint. There are several valid points to the contrary. At this point, no one can proclaim their position is correct without any level of accuracy. I get that the topic is getting tiresome.
  13. Or sometimes you are the Bills. Consistent playoff failures for years.
  14. Augie, I think you are getting a little lost in the win loss record here. Sure it's a great feat and praise should be given. Regarding the Bills, I think the bar has really changed. This team is in SB mode and has been for a few years now. Wouldn't you concur? Accepting that premise to a certain extent fairly or unfairly tends to minimize regular season accomplishments. I think going into the last few years very few Bills fans would be content with great regular season records only to fizzle out in the playoffs. I don't think any us us would have thought the Bills wouldn't even reach an AFC Championship game to go the SB. Sure it depends on your perspective, viewpoint, and how you measure success. With that said, the team has fallen short of its realistic goal to represent the AFC. Saying it's tough to do, they didn't get the breaks, and they had a great regular season record just falls flat in so many aspects. Look at the players reactions, expressions, comments, etc...after the years of disappointing playoff losses. It's hardly an expression of a successful season. It's hardly a ringing endorsement of a successful season. No player, coach, or GM is out on the podium saying it was a great season. We were 14-4 and won the AFC East. Thank you fans; we see that as a great successful season. We haven't seen that because it's falling short of their goal. The goal is getting to the SB. Winning the Super. At the very least advancing to the AFC conference championship game. None of that is an unrealistic goal. Simply put we haven't seen a whole lot of progression in the playoffs. It's more disappointment under the McD regime. Perhaps, it's too soon to start calling for McD to go. I can see that logic although I still disagree. When is enough an enough?
  15. Gotta think a head coach would be salivating to have Allen as their QB. I don't think a coach's mindset takes or doesn't take a job based on fear of getting fired.
  16. I think the window is still open but it's getting smaller and smaller. Certainly we can all agree that there have been wasted opportunities. The Bills organization was great at building a winner but not so great st getting over the hump. Huge improvement but still leaves something to be desired. Hopefully, they can get it done soon. I'll answer it. McD has to go! A change is needed to progress.
  17. Easy decision for me. Give me the one SB. We've been waiting decades for that. Take the sure thing. Sure I'll be complaining about stinking afterwards but the SB win will satisfy my appetite for years.
  18. Same here. OMG do you have an ability to read my mind. Very well said. I'd add in the only way McD can vindicate himself is by winning the SB or going to one. Perhaps, shallow thinking but in my mind he gave one away. I just can't ever forget that. You just can't blow opportunities like that. To this day, I can't stomach to watch a replay of that game. Pitts is a great example. How did they do when they landed their franchise QB?
  19. This is a thinking error. There's no certainty the team will take a step back if new coaches are hired. It can be argued that they may take a step forward just as easily.
  20. Perhaps. Not trying to be a hero or a villain. Just a regular guy passionate about the Bills. Just expressing my feelings honestly perhaps not wisely. We seem to be on the same page with regards to McD. All I want is that SB win. That's one common theme that's safe to say we all agree upon.
  21. Not entirely his fault. However, he gets his fair share of the blame. How much is debatable but to dismiss him of fault is ludicrous.
  22. How can you talk winning multiple championships when McD and Beane haven't even sniffed a SB appearance during their Bills tenure. That seems beyond optimistic to me.
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