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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I don't think that's Pegula's mindset at all. He isn't scared of making a change based on looking foolish. That's something I just can't buy into. My sense thinks Pegula feels McD and Beane can progress the team further. Hopefully, he's right. Most coaches would gladly accept the challenge of the Bills head coaching job. Having Allen aboard makes their job instantly successful or at the very least easier. Coaches know the risk they take. I don't believe the it's not fair philosophy applies whatsoever. It's an assessment of risk vs reward. Weigh them and ask yourself are the Bills better with McD as their head coach. I think most fans would answer yes. Fear of change is often an obstacle to success. Just something to ponder.
  2. Exactly the point he's making. None of those QBs can even compare to Allen. I think it's fair to say Allen makes a coaches job easier. Allen definelty equates to plenty of regular season wins. I'm on the record saying any decent coach could probably have taken the Bills to the playoffs the last few years. It says more about Allen than it does about McD. The risk factor is not great at all. I don't think this is a unrealistic statement. Allen is simply that good where the previous Bills QBs were not. Do the Bills with Allen win because of McD or despite McD come regular season and playoff time? How much do the Bills win or lose because of Allen or McD? No easy answers there. What's pretty indefensible is Allen equates to the Bills winning. Can you say the same for McD? Can another coach do more or less?
  3. I answered your question. So much wrong with your post. Clearly, you want to argue, fight, and insult rather than have a civilized debate. Have a great day. I'm finished responding to you. Not mad or angry. Just don't want to waste my time.
  4. As mentioned for coaches were Sean Payton, Ben Johnson, and Lou Anarumo. No one is saying they are or were locks. They were options. I'm fine with you disagreeing. Now can you stop with the borderline chastising?
  5. I think for the Bills you have to put it in a proper perspective. It cuts both ways as far as missed opportunities and future opportunities. Agree the Bills missed some opportunities. Is it a small sample? Not sure if it is or isn't. The missed opportunities don't sit well in my head. It doesn't exactly elude confidence going forward. It's put up or shut up time sort of speak. Can the Bills thrive in future years under McD and Beane. Yes and yes. Can they win it all? Absolutely. I think the biggest failures are Beane and the Bills organization not fully capitalizing on Allen's rookie contract. That was the optimum window to crush it. They squandered it with very poor draft choices and acquisitions. Look at Cinci, KC, and Philly as prime examples of success. Bills clearly don't fit into that category despite have a monster QB. Fast forward to today and it becomes more difficult to win it all. The cap and money restrictions have had its toll. Beane himself has addressed this issue and eluded to Cinci and Burrow still on his rookie contract in his presser. It appears the Bills path to the SB is becoming increasingly more difficult. Perhaps, I'm off on my thinking here? There are whispers amoung the football experts that the Bills are going to descend. Take that for what it's worth. We are about to find out shortly the path of the team. What's clear like it or not is Beane and McD are likely riding the ship for several more years. They still have a lot to prove...
  6. That's fair. Appreciate your post and views. I disagree with several points but nevertheless I hear where you are coming from.
  7. It's been mentioned numerous times on varies topics here. I'm not about to reiterate them. It's absurd to think there are or were no reasonable options out there. There is life beyond McD.
  8. I don't think anyone disputes the recent success of the Bills. Indeed Its way more fun watching Bills games. That's a given. The real question is can the Bills progress in the playoffs, make a SB appearence, and win a SB. It's a realistic goal because they have Allen. No one knows the future. I'd ask will you feel disappointed if 10 years from now the Bills haven't appeared in a SB? Assuming Allen was relatively healthy and still the Bills QB. I know I will be disappointed regardless of their regular season record.
  9. Three years of lost opportunities. Is that a fair statement? This post should be framed.
  10. Indeed. The bar has changed but for many the bar is still low or too high. Depends on your perspective.
  11. They Bills should have beat KC. They gave the game away in 13 seconds. Many think they had a great chance to go to the SB and win it. No one will really know. The team looked pretty unstoppable. The Bills had a great opportunity vs the Texans. They choked the game away. They Bills had a great opportunity vs a crappy Jags team. It was a winnable game. They were totally outclassed and outcoached in the first KC playoff game. Yes KC was better but the coaches game plan was terrible. They should have lost to an aging Philip Rivers led Indy team. The team was outcoached by a country mile. A 100 yard INT TD saved the day vs a Ravens team. Last year they were fortunate to beat Miami. The Cinci game was a disaster. During the Bills playoff run can you think of many instances where the coaching staff, game plan, and game time adjustments awed you? Where they were difference makers? Where is the progression in the playoffs? You can spin it any way you want. The fact remains the Bills are 4-5 under McD in the playoffs. It's the way they have lost that's the most disturbing. I feel that the coaching staff hasn't put the Bills in the best position to win games. Look at Fraizer as an example. Look at Dorsey last year. Look at McD for 13 seconds. How can a Bills fans not be disappointed by the Bills performance playoff performance under McD? Especially, the last two years. The typical response is McD is learning and will improve. Give him time to shine. Maybe maybe not. It's unknown. I have six years of data to support my doubts. What do McD supporters have to support their thesis or premise that McD can get it done? I suppose it's hope and time because it's might be data. Based on your rational the Bills are very unlikely to go to the SB this year. Why? KC and Cinci by almost all football fans are superior teams than Buffalo. Superior coaching staff too.
  12. I see. I show some restraint and I still get a little jab. Nice.
  13. I don't think there is a blueprint on success. It can be accomplished in many ways. Also, let's look at what we know. We know McD has "successfully failed" in the playoffs. Agree? Using Cowher and Reid as examples have no barring on how McD will do. Similarly, using Dungy or Lewis as an example has no indication of McD success or lack of. It cuts both ways. We have no idea how McD will do in the future. We know thus far he's been below average. Lastly, the Bills have Allen a generational QB. What did Reid and Tomlin do when they landed their franchise QB? What has McD done? Granted it's not all on McD...
  14. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse here. Been there done that with respect.
  15. With respect, I think your mindset is flawed. " unnamed, hypothetical new staff." So many incorrect assumptions here. You act like the ownership is going to play pin the tail on the donkey and choose their coaching staff. There are several solid options available.
  16. Diggs has shown via his past that winning isn't going to muzzle him. I think we all should be concerned.
  17. "When you get there, it is a total crap shoot and all about matchups, player execution, and good health as to which teams ultimately win the SB." Partly true but definelty doesn't tell the whole story. Coaching, play calling, schemes, game time adjustments, etc.. all factor in as well. I'd ask you to take a hard look at the McD playoff games track record for his tenure as a Bill's HC.
  18. You have no idea if a new staff would experience regression. This is a common assumption and thinking error. A new staff might propel the team to a SB win.
  19. Being quiet is comfortable. Keeping things the way they've been is comfortable. And all comfort has done is maintain the status quo. Luvvie Ajayi
  20. It will always be a battle a day between those who want maximum change and those who want to maintain the status quo. Gerry Adams
  21. Change doesn't always mean progress, but the status quo isn't always the best result either. It is merely the most convenient. Harsha Bhogle I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. Niccolo Machiavelli
  22. Assuming the Bills fall short of their SB goals. You have to wonder if at some point Allen starts to get frustrated with the regime.
  23. No not at all. I'm not advocating that. I'm saying I think Diggs is going to be a disgruntled player. That might lead to some issues.
  24. I agree but I also think he's going to be a major distraction. Similar to the Minn situation. Hope I'm wrong.
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